I'm just in the process of building my first router table, in fact I've almost finished it but I've decided to remake the insert plate with a few improvements over the first one I made.
My question relates to the best method for levelling the plate.
Basically, the insert is made from 18mm MDF and will be reinforced with two 30cm lengths of 14mm box section steel which I'll recess into the underside of the insert plate. The insert plate will be sitting on a 1.5cm rebate cut into my 36mm MDF table top. So far so good, but what I would also like to do is add some levelling screws to ensure the plate stays nice and flush with the table. I used strips of thin card before, which worked fine, but I would like something permanent and adjustable. My thoughts were to buy some grub screws about 12mm-16mm long and insert one into each corner and maybe one in the centre of each side. I believe the grub screws are fairly flat bottomed, rather than pointed ones. I then thought that having them press into the MDF rebate that the insert plate rests on might not be ideal, in case they 'sink' into the MDF a bit. I decided to buy a one metre strip of 1cm wide x 2mm thick flat steel bar which I intend gluing on top of the rebate to give a stronger, flat edge fot the insert plate and grub screws to sit on. To compensate I'll also route a 1cm wide x 2mm deep recess around the outer edge of the underside of the insert plate.
The part where I'm a bit stuck is with fixing the grub screws into the corners of the MDF insert plate. I was concerned that they may 'pull through' over time, or not remain properly in place in the MDF, what with the weight of a Triton TRA001 router combined with the weight of the reinforced insert plate bearing down on the grub screws.
One possible solution I though of, was buying some small threaded inserts. Gluing them into the corners of the insert plate and then screwing the grub screws into those. I'm guessing this should work (please correct me if I'm wrong).
I then thought that instead of messing about with threaded inserts, which I would have to buy especially, I could cut a small 1cm square of 2mm thick steel, tap a threaded hole into it, recess and glue it into the underside of each corner of my insert plate where the grub screws will be located.
Do you think this should work ok? The purpose of the tapped, steel corner inserts is to ensure the grub screws are securely fixed in place and won't pull through the MDF insert plate.
Any advice, tips, suggestions on the above would be very much appreciated. Thanks