Established Member
I’ve been making another oilstone box in sapele, and as with my previous one I have been getting a lot of tear out when router planing the bottom of the recesses.
Is this likely to just be a sharpness issue (it is a veritas router plane and I’m still getting used to trying to keep the iron sharp - it’s small and fiddly)? Or is sapele prone to this. Granted, router planes aren’t usually used for finishing surfaces that you can see but it would have been nice to get a smooth surface. The sapele was an offcut someone gave me so no idea about how decent it was to begin with. Many thanks
Is this likely to just be a sharpness issue (it is a veritas router plane and I’m still getting used to trying to keep the iron sharp - it’s small and fiddly)? Or is sapele prone to this. Granted, router planes aren’t usually used for finishing surfaces that you can see but it would have been nice to get a smooth surface. The sapele was an offcut someone gave me so no idea about how decent it was to begin with. Many thanks