Rotating lathe stand options

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Established Member
31 Jan 2016
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
Hi there

I am currently turning some large bowls from an apple tree and have recently moved house. Previously, the lathe was bolted to the concrete floor through the three holes in the base, with some cork between the floor and lathe to reduce vibration. This worked very well, however I was prevented from moving the lathe once its final location was chosen.

As I am left handed, I like to use the outboard side when I can, as its a much more natural position for me. I have rigged up a single centre bolt that runs through some pieces of chipboard. The top pieces are bolted to the lathe body. This allows me to slacken the bolt and rotate the lathe to have the outboard side facing outwards, or whatever position is convienent, or to rotate back to a position where I can add on the main bed for spindle turning.

Unfortunately the lathe wobbles when running, even with the bolt done up tight, I think the chipboard is flexing. I think I may need to make it again but out of welded sheet steel, or potentially use a wheel bearing and brake drum. Has anyone else made a smilar setup?

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Could try using 2 locking bolts on the outside board to secure it in position.
Could you do something like in the attached scrawl? You could use the bolt holes for the long bed on your Graduate.
Respect for that huge chunk of apple wood, BTW!


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Hi there, new to the site and also left handed, have tried turning before but struggled getting positioned comfortably to the right of the headstock on my old lathe. Hopefully now I have one with a take off on the left I will have more success !
Yes the outboard side is much more natural for a left handed turner. The only issue is left handed threaded tools are often harder to get hold of.
Yes for lathes with the same diameter thread both sides the dual threaded faceplates are great.

I assume for left handed turner's the rotating headstock lathes are also habdyt, but have not used one personally.

Very few lathes have a tailstock on the left handed side.