Robert Sorby Proedge tilting table bolts

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22 Jun 2020
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Hi all,
I have a Sorby Proedge, and want to replace one of the 2 bolts that secure the tilting table.
They are M8 x 20 countersunk bolts but have quite a large diameter head that's around 15mm across. I guess standard countersunk bolts will hold, but was wondering if anyone knows a supplier of larger head diameter countersunk bolts.
I have enclosed a photo and it's the bolt at the bottom that I'm after.

Many thanks,



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Hi all,
I have a Sorby Proedge, and want to replace one of the 2 bolts that secure the tilting table.
They are M8 x 20 countersunk bolts but have quite a large diameter head that's around 15mm across. I guess standard countersunk bolts will hold, but was wondering if anyone knows a supplier of larger head diameter countersunk bolts.
I have enclosed a photo and it's the bolt at the bottom that I'm after.

Many thanks,

This from Toolstation seems it might do, just cut to length and file off the flats near the head

Coach Bolt & Nut M8 x 65​

by UnbrandedProduct Code: 84392

They are M8 x 20 countersunk bolts but have quite a large diameter head that's around 15mm across. I guess standard countersunk bolts will hold, but was wondering if anyone knows a supplier of larger head diameter countersunk bolts.
Accu might well, and they are happy to supply singles.
They are M8 x 20 countersunk bolts but have quite a large diameter head that's around 15mm across.

When you put 'm8 countersunk bolt dimensions' into a Google near you, it helpfully gives you some diagrams and measurements of bolts. If you care to look up M8 on those diagrams, you would see that the standard countersink head is 16mm in diameter. Thus, you should verify your "around" 15mm and consider _reducing_ the head of a standard bolt if that dimension is confirmed.

I have no idea why you would be seeking larger head bolts in this situation.

Unless you have already removed one of the bolts and know this to be true, be prepared for it to be retained by threadlock (loctite). If exerting reasonable force on the allen key does not shift it, do not resort to unreasonable force or you will strip the head. Instead, heat the bolt well with a small blowtorch to denature the thread lock and then try again.
That's extremely helpful indeed.
I think you're right about the head diameter. They just seemed rather large on first look, but think the size you said is correct.
The bolt came out easily, which I'm pleased about.
Many thanks again.

Richard 👍
It is possible that due to the thin material under the head they have used one with a greater angle than usual. 110º rather than a more common angle of 90º for example. Check the one you pulled against ones you are looking to buy. Standard one won't seat properly in a hole with a shallower countersink.

Chances are high that it will be an absolutely standard coutersunk head machine screw with a hex socket.
These are intended to be slackened and tightened by the user to alter the angle of lean of the whole belt assembly. So there will never have been any loctite.
Pull one out and measure the length of the thread, the depth and width of the head too and you will have all the necessary measurements to get a replacement.

Here is a link to a seller on ebay that I've bought from a few times and who will sell you high tensile steel with a hex recess which is probably what is fitted.
I don't know the correct length but all the usual ones 12, 16, 20, 25mm etc are available from pretty much any supplier of fasteners.

Hope this helps.