I remember a kid in junior scool saying thunder was the clouds banging together.
Add that snow was Mrs God shaking out her carpets.We were told it was God moving his furniture.
Wrestling! As a real youngster I watched Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks et al on the British productions, but when my Grandad got Sky it really started happening with WWE (then WWF). I remember being horrified when Shawn Michaels put Marty Jannetty through a GLASS window and the time Jake "the snake" Roberts let his snake bite The Macho Man Randy Savage.
What's a "toon hole"? (I've led a sheltered life )I used to believe that “toon holes” were real for ages. A black circle you stick to the wall and then jump through. I think I asked for one for about 3 Christmas’ in a row!
I still find that snake scene horrifying!
One of the best things on youtube these days is the former wrestlers talking about what went on and when people got hurt for real and when they didn't. As a kid, I thought they'd all figured out how to make things look like they hurt, but that nothing did and they all went home like a sitcom actor and took off any makeup ("fake blood" - of course we all thought it was fake blood, but rather they were just cutting themselves instead).
We thought the snake bite looked really real for a "fake snake bite!!". Apparently, Randy Poffo didn't like snakes, either, but he was nuts about trying to do good booking in every event he was in, even if he personally hated the assignment. He kept notes of all of his matches in different cities to make sure that he never wrestled a similar match or wore the same outfit (if avoidable) at a given location.
Yes, it wasn't until I read a few of the biographies that I realised how much they punished their bodies etc. Most of them were addicted to painkillers, if not worse.
Some of the full documentaries are really good, I'd recommend the Jake Roberts one.
The Tommy Billington one is also a great read, tragic, but great.
Not me but sometime into her twenties my sister announced that she disagreed with horse racing ‘as it is a really cruel sport‘. When asked to elaborate, she explained she hated that fact that the horse that comes last gets shot.
Apparently many years earlier she had seen the winner being paraded around but asked so what happens to the poor horse that comes last? Our mother had flippantly replied “oh - they shoot it”.
Part way there, except it is particles within the clouds banging together causing the lightning which causes the thunder.I remember a kid in junior scool saying thunder was the clouds banging together.