Established Member
Selecting your choices out of all the possibilities offered here could take up the first couple of years of retirement.
A bit of planning is a good thing, but plans need flexibility as you never know what life will chuck at you and you may want, or be forced, to change direction.
I'm 72 and was very fortunate to have been able to take early retirement in 2005. Two weeks later my elderly mum was diagnosed with dementia, so was my mother-in-law a couple of months later. Supporting them and being a 'house-husband' while my wife continued working took a lot of time and energy until my MIL died in 2012.
My father-in-law was a great planner. An ex-Royal Marine Commando and D-Day veteran, he spent the rest of his career as a police officer. He planned meticulously for his retirement in all respects. He retired from the police aged 55, and 2 years later was dead - killed by a faulty gas boiler in a Portuguese holiday property.
Finding some enjoyment in every day is great, whether it's an exquisitely sharpened chisel, a fabulous view, birdsong...the possibilities are endless, and as someone said earlier you don't know how long that piece of string is.

A bit of planning is a good thing, but plans need flexibility as you never know what life will chuck at you and you may want, or be forced, to change direction.
I'm 72 and was very fortunate to have been able to take early retirement in 2005. Two weeks later my elderly mum was diagnosed with dementia, so was my mother-in-law a couple of months later. Supporting them and being a 'house-husband' while my wife continued working took a lot of time and energy until my MIL died in 2012.
My father-in-law was a great planner. An ex-Royal Marine Commando and D-Day veteran, he spent the rest of his career as a police officer. He planned meticulously for his retirement in all respects. He retired from the police aged 55, and 2 years later was dead - killed by a faulty gas boiler in a Portuguese holiday property.
Finding some enjoyment in every day is great, whether it's an exquisitely sharpened chisel, a fabulous view, birdsong...the possibilities are endless, and as someone said earlier you don't know how long that piece of string is.