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Philip Streeting

Established Member
22 Jul 2008
Reaction score
Suffolk UK
I have been reminded elsewhere that I haven't contributed here lately - I apologise for this.
I thought it might be of interest to post the beginning and eventually the end of a piece I am working on at the moment. It will have a series of new experiments and may not work out but here goes. These pics show the first stages 1st just before taking off the lathe. 2nd and 3rd the beginnings of off lathe decoration. I post more as the work progresses or not as the case may be!




i can only echo what has already been said, hope you keep us informed of your progress and a few 'how too's' when your ready..
luvly jubly..
Jesus wept!! :shock: Thanks for posting Phil. Good to see you back.
Beautiful Phil, I love the concept and the execution is amazing. :D :D :D

Please explain more how you accomplish this.


Mike C
Wonderful piece,

And welcome back Philip, Its much more friendly over here than on "that other place"

Beautiful work so far. As said it looks meticulous. Keep telling myself to get ion with carving but other things get in the way

Those who guessed router were right. This is literally the first try with my set up so it is not 100%. I experimented with both the equipment and various types of cutter. The method does look promising.

That looks great.
I've been meaning to try router effects on turned items for a while now - with the work still mounted and also with it removed.
Maybe I'll get round to it one of these days...

yeh a quick pic of the setup would feed my inquisition. ;)
Those who guessed router were right. This is literally the first try with my set up so it is not 100%. I experimented with both the equipment and various types of cutter. The method does look promising

NOT 100%??? Bloody hell!!!
A stunning piece of work with great energy and zest.. It is refreshing to have people in turning who are prepared to rip up the template. I don't know Phil but would guess he has a professional art, design, and creative background to produce such work. Lets have more of you being prepared to rip up the template.
great work Phil. very artistic. did you do the routing freehand or did you use a jig. I have major problems using a router even on the easyist lines/curves.
Fantastic finish you have finished on the platter...
All I can say is what has been said before Please post more of your work
when you get time..& the odd how to would be a great help if time
allows :wink: