Repeat UK precsriptions

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Established Member
25 May 2007
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West Cumbria
OK..I am again using this forum for its "know it all answer".
My wife AND ME (about 80+ yrs old ) she is just out of 9 week hospital stay and needs help to determine her many daily pill input of 12-ish daily UK Prescripitions.

Is there a recommended UK supplier who can provide a daily blister packs that she can use, indeed a supplier that can say "before breakfast..after breakafast.. after lunch etc
I prefer FOC but will accept payment for such a service
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My local GP surgery, which also has a dispensary, offers this as a free service. You might try asking yours to see if they offer the same thing.
Both our local surgery's dispensary and the local pharmacy offer this type of service, so worth asking
I back the Dosette system. I have a state of flux in two major components of my apothecary's list (as they try to sort the dosage) and furthermore, had another one added yesterday. From this aspect, a box that you self-fill once a week or so is more adaptable.
OK; I have managed to 'catch and speak' with my neice who is a Drs receptionist and of course knows everything.
She tells me the common description is 'blister pack' being a daily dosage of the needed medication.
Some but not all pharmacies offer the service.
I will troll around local ones, our present pharmacy regrettably can not offer the service.
It is wonderful what we find out about on UKWS. the best, the most knowledgabe, the most helpful place to ask ANY question and learn from the varied answers.
Thank you to all who read, contributed and even just scratched their head.
Thank you
At the present time I use Pharmacy2U for my repeat prescriptions, 4 of - previously used LloydsDirect until they combined with Pharmacy2U.

I don't need a 'blister pack service' but, after a Google search asking if P2U do a blister pack service, it seems they do - called "PillTime", a weekly service, delivered FOC...

If you Google 'do pharmacy2u do blister packs' you'll get the AI answer - and additional information on how to set such up. There's also another online pharmacy by the name of Chemist4U but they don't do such a service... Pharmacy2U would seem to be your easiest way 🤞🙏

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