Repairing a cordless driver

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I dropped my mobile phone into a toilet bowl our of my top pocket, put it in front of the air conditioning vent in the car on the way home and all was well when I switched it back on.
When I used to work in Sound, on the floor, in TV studios, there would always be ONE presenter who would sheepishly bring their dripping radio mic to me saying it got dropped in the loo usually a couple of minutes before going live😩
It may be worth you investing in a kilo of Silica Gel ......I've used it in the past to dry out electrical items that have been immersed or subjected to exposure to water and it's always worked a treat.( dropped my I Phone into a toilet once..!!! 🤬)

I also store small packets (Tea Bag size) in quite a few of my power tool cases, as this tends to stop rust from forming on the bare metal parts.
@Distinterior .
What an excellent idea. Thanks
Uncooked (obviously) rice is a resonable alternative to silica gel.

Wrap rice in tissue or two, place in plastic bag with damp item, and seal the bag. Put somewhere warm but not "hot" e.g. the airing cupboard, and leave for a few days.

Others suggest wrap the damp item in a paper towel or large (mans size) tissue and leave the rice free inside the (sealed) plastic bag. Both methods work.

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