Record 521/2e vice problem - will not open without a yank

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user 29368

Established Member
12 Sep 2018
Reaction score
Recently my vice has stopped opening as i try to open the jaws when they're closed tight hold stock.
The handle spins 360deg and makes a quick release type clunk once a rotation and continues to do so. I have found that a sharp yank on the handel causes the jaws to open a few mm at which point I can open vice normally.
The vice works fine when tightening.

Is this a known problem with a know fix?
Any pointers very welcome please (before I take my bench appart to extract it).
Thank you very much.
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Found the problem..
Shame I can't find the bolt - I suspect it's found it's way into my shop vac at something.

Any idea what size the small bolt is please?
So I order the correct thread type.
thank you.

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"Any idea what size the small bolt is please?"
Does it matter, if it fits and does the job?

You'll most likely find it in 6 months time....
Well yes, I'm a metric person. It's an old vice so I assume it will have imperial fittings, I don't want to get it wrong.
Ah - so the nut is part of the vice? Sorry - I guessed it was a nut and bolt.
I'd bet there's an 'old vices' group around to ask for the bolt / thread size?

Worst case, borrow a tap and use a metric bolt?
Yes it is a threaded hole.

The bolt's thread pitch doesn't match anything I have and I rather not tap a new one.
Take the existing set screw out and see it is the same thread as ones going through the vice jaws to hold the cheeks. They are iirc 5/16" whitworth, but if the same you could use one of them and replace the one in the jaw with a smaller through bolt - it doesn't matter there.
This missing bolt may be a red herring.

Now it's off the bench and the other bolt is tightened down correctly is it still jumping ?

Have you recently took this vice to pieces?

Bear in mind it's likely from 1965 and may have wear issues.....

Cheers Andy
I believe the bolt was missing when you got it....
From the pictures in the old post the screw thread looks good.

Edit, yes it was missing
So is it because the other came loose you started having problems?
Cheers Andy
blimey you're right - :oops:
I'm surprised at myself there - for not spotting it at the time. Perhaps I did and didn't bother with it and after 3+ years I've forgotten. At least I know I'm not going to find it.

Well, the rest of the mecanism seems in very good order, this is the first time I've removed it since first installation.
Tighting the one bolt up seems to have solved the problem, however I haven't tested it with any real force as it's no longer hanging from my bench. But even so I'd still like a replacement bolt.

I'll look into the suggestions from people above.
Will report back once I get this sorted.

Thanks very much everyone.
If you haven't got a thread gauge then you could take the other one out and send it to D Middleton Stainless. He does all the old Imperial sizes and will match it up for you, also very quick turnaround.

I emailed them some decent photos of the bolt on an imperial ruler, got a very quick reply and have taken a chance on ordering their best guess, which is
"BSW 1/4 x 1" hex setscrew"

Will find out in a few days...
I emailed them some decent photos of the bolt on an imperial ruler, got a very quick reply and have taken a chance on ordering their best guess, which is
"BSW 1/4 x 1" hex setscrew"

Will find out in a few days...

Should be ok I checked mine and it's the same as the old 1/4" gutter bolts.
Cheers Andy
Vice is sorted

Correct Bolt size is
BSW 1/4 x 3/4" hex setscrew.

Had to saw a bit off the new one as its a blind hole.

Thanks again for he help. I have paid £20 to support the forum.