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Established Member
29 Apr 2004
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W. Yorks.
Finally got the Fox lathe assembled, (eldest son did the assembly, I read the instructions), all straight forward apart from the weight, tried swivelling the headstock but securing pin was stuck so removed the headstock and used a screwdriver to knock out the pin, unscrewed the alignment blocks and took out the castellated swiveling table, greased up with copper anti-seizing compound, refitted and it worked like a dream.

Fastened everything down and ran the motor, nice and quiet(ish), I think, but never having had a lathe before have nothing to compare it to, anyway, it's quiet enough to have a conversation without raising my voice.

All in all, very satisfied, just have to finish shifting all the rubbish then can start making a mess.

Yes, I know there's no photo's but haven't got round to learning about photobucket or whatever it's called
pip (Like a kid with a new toy)

ps. Is it safe to turn treated timber? I've been given a 3foot x4x4 gatepost?

great news pip :D i look forward to the pics :wink:
if you can talk over it its a good un :lol:
gate posts and the like are normally tanalised( a preservative chemical which is forced into the wood under pressure)- there not great to turn- the dust is dangerous like all wood dust but with added chemicals- the splinters are the worst as they go nasty very quickly- any tree surgeons near you? start ringing round, your sure to find a few friendly ones who'll have some more suitable wood to work with.
Graet news Pip :D
Will look forward to seeing what it produces.
I would steer clear of any treated timber re- all what George as said,plus it dulls the tool very quick :roll:
Get some nice green wood for starters.
I would definitely steer clear of the treated timber. If you live anywhere near Wakefield you are welcome to call here and I'll sort you out with some wood. Have fun with your new toy. Cheers John
Good luck with the new lathe...Try turning mushrooms... :lol:
Great objects to get you turning But watch out for the cap one slip and
its gone...
I have used treated wood when it was all I had but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. There is a fair bit of wood out there for the asking without taking risks. If you can only get smaller pieces go small. It's great for practicing tool control and big isn't always beautiful (My 4' 11" 'boss' tells me that frequently :lol: ) Have a look at Chas's latest work or at some of Od Sokes work.

tulsk":3pki0a4n said:
If you live anywhere near Wakefield you are welcome to call here and I'll sort you out with some wood.

We live near Wakefield!! :lol: :lol:

Pleased to hear you are on the slope Pip. look forward to photos.
The world is awash with free wood without having to use tannilised wood which is very dangerous. With the longer growing season trees are forever having to be cut back and thinned out providing and endless source of material for us woodies.
Thanks for the advice folks, should have known about the treated timber
as I used to work at the place that made the treatment (Hicksons).

Jenx, it sure is a big'un lots of weight, going to try it out without bolting it down, may bolt it later.

tulsk, thanks for the offer, live at Castleford. One of neighbours has told me where the council put the logs that are too big for the chipper, mostly Beech he said, so should be o'k for green stuff when I find time to go looking/cadging, there's also a landscape gardening place 5 minutes away that I can investigate, don't think it will be this week though as we've got a bloke coming to give advice on a combi-boiler today, got grandkids tomorrow and I've still got a load of rubbish to shift out of the garage.
The back of my car should carry a health warning.

Someone on this forum said that retired people dont get much free time, how true this is,apart from my time on the 'puter the days seem to fly past

Soulfly, being a Yorkshire man my favourite word is FREE, so the eyes are constantly on the lookout for "Handy" stuff

Mrs. Sliver, seems there are quite a few "Woodies" of sorts around this area, seem to hear of more every day

Sorry for the long post, fingers are aching now (both of them), so catch y'all later
