Rant about Vista


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sawdust maker

Established Member
24 Jan 2007
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi All
I know from previous posts that quite a few members are computer experts. So would like your advice, needless to say I am not very computer literate. For the last year I have been struggling with Windows Vista (Premium). I continually crashes, at first I thought it was the automatic update but now I an not sure what it is. I know lots of people are having problems with Vista. What really gets under my skin is that the only way out is to up grade later to a new version od Windows, and thats not going to be cheap.
So I am thinking of giving up on Windows altogether and installing Linux, Ubuntu to be precise. So what do you think? Is anyone running Linux? Some say it is an OS only for experts, is that true?

Cant you go back to XP? Plenty of cheap licenses on eBay.

Ubuntu is a real learning curve.

I absolutely refuse to acknowledge vista until I absolutely have to (ie MS stop supporting XP).
My experience of Vista is that it works with new hardware. Try and use it with something older that was not designed with vista in mind and things start to fall apart.... so you may be better off with XP.

I tried Linux ages ago and got it working but didn't like it. It may be different now. I'll leave that one to others.
Yes I could, I have a copy of XP Home, but to be honest Ijust want to be free of Windows. It realy gets to me that they sell me (Miss sell) a poor product and the only way out is to buy more from them. No wonder Gates is so rich.

Try running Linux Mint as a Live CD. It's based on Ubuntu but I think it's fairly straightforward to use. Running it as a Live CD will let you know if there are issues with drivers/ internet connection, although it will run slow because it's reading off a CD.
My install was very easy and I've been running it for over 9 months. The OS has never crashed in that time although I do get the occasionsal browser freeze - pretty easy to get out of.
You could also go for a dual boot and keep Vista, although I find Vista so annoying.
Recommend using Linux distribution Ubuntu, think the latest version is 8.1 , pretty easy to install (easier than XP) and supports basic computer use very well.

In old ThinkPad T23 I've got it and it works great!

My son did not fancy it though, demanded XP in his own pc, as it's better for many games ;-)
I had nothing but trouble with it either - typical Microsoft new release - it's pretty but that's about it and it doesn't really offer any good new features.

I went back to XP - it's not perfect by any means but is a lot better than Vista

I think XP really is the perfect operating system. Combine it with the right hardware and it sings. I can't remember the last time (if ever) cursing XP specifically.
Personally I have never had Vista crash on me, it took a while to get used to as does any new os. I also have a pc running xp which I use for file storage, media player and downloading. I had a go at converting to unbuntu but went back to xp as I was more comfortable with it.
I've been running Debian for 2 years now and it's fantastic. My computer is 5 years old and only has 512mb RAM, even so it runs fairly quickly. I'd say get ubuntu, and then dual boot, so if you don't like it after a few months you can always get rid and go back to winblows. The unbuntu installer will take the free space on your hard drive and create a new partition for linux.

One great advantage to linux is it's FREE and in the ubuntu reprository there is something like 20000 packages to install, all for free and it's so easy. To install firefox for example you would type into a terminal:

"sudo apt-get install firefox"

That would download it, install and put your menu items in. Of course you can use the gui, as most people do. Everything that i need linux for it has, apart from Sketchup (come on google get your finger out) although i run that in linux with VMWare. There aren't that many games available for linux though.

Sometimes it can get a bit nerdy though :lol:

check out http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/
I bought a new pc this year with Vista ,and at first it was crap .But as time progressed it's settled down and it's stable and great now.
Personally i think microsoft do a good job,i mean how many pc combinations do they have to consider........ trillions?
Once upon a time all you could do on a pc was mess with drivers e.t.c
Now the web is here everybodys got a reason to own a pc.
I don't think low machine spec. has much to do with Vista not running, more likely hardware problems.

It may be slower, and in the case of the one I am currently using, and have been ever since Vista was beta when here, the main problem is the wait whilst memory swaps out to the hard disk.
Not Ideal but it works and has been stable at all times, fine for 'Office' work, obviously no use for gaming though at this level.

Can't get much lower spec than this.

Hi All
Thanks for all your comments. Sorry I couldn't contribute as you made them but SWMBO wanted her computer back. And mine is being fixed! Hopefully when I get it back I will have a rescue disc for Vista,and Ubuntu Linux installed. If it will do what I want, which is not much, just Sketchup, wed searches and my family tree I will happily kick Windows into touch and be free from the clutches of Bill Gates!

Im now using vista 64 and it runs fine, and on the upside my computers can now use all my RAM. Vista far from perfect but its nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Ive got a computer running a windows 7 beta upstairs and its a huge step forward imo.

As for linux its all dependent on the distro you choose, ubuntu is probably the most user friendly of the lot, But for sketchup on linux i think your going to need to use WINE for that, Im guessing its going to run like crap through it though
Oh no, not that Vista garbage again! I hate the damn thing. My sons computer has it on and apart from it hogging more memory than my computer has in total it is a pain in the A*se to use. I made a point of buying a new computer for Swmbo and myself with XP on. I am afraid a couple of shops missed my business as their computers came bundled with Vista instead of XP. Huh, progress! :roll:
sawdust maker

Why do u not load Ubuntu into Windows Vista - insert the disk and install into your PC. It will install wubi (allows Ubuntu to install into Windows in a single file and is safe and erasable).

The live CD is OK but u need to install various programs that you may like and the Live CD does not support this well. (Can be done but a hassle). Get some experience with it and play around.

Heck I have Sketchup7 running on it and my kids play WOW using wine so no Windoze here any more.

Benefit for me is no more maintenance and viruses etc. that I had to spend my life on - no more cleaning up.
Well looking at all the posts, and thank you all for them, some people have got Vista going well and good luck to you. But me it just does not work, like so many others, so I'm off to try Linux. The advantages appear too good if I can get it working. If not I will go back to XP, but Vista is in the bin.

Thank again
The biggest problem Vista had was that it was sold with computers and laptops that simply didnt have the guts to use it properly, My laptop came with 2gigs of ram 80% of which was in constant use!! It wasnt anything to do with vista though it was all the **** that manufacturers insist on pre- installing on systems. Less than a day after buying it, it was wiped and a fresh install of vista! its the best thing you can do to a new shop bought computer in my opinion.
Yes you may be right. The laptop I have was bought just after Vista came in and I think the basic problem maybe that the computer was designed for XP and was still in production when XP was withdrawn so got Vista forced upon it . As for the memory I put an extra 2Gig of memory in so it has 4 now. By the way this is coming vis Linux. Got it put in today. One good thing I have noticed it is spell checking this as I writing, Vista didn't do that.
