Quangsheng Rebating Block V2


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Established Member
13 Apr 2006
Reaction score
Salisbury, UK
Having just received my new rebating block :tool: from Matthew and having had just a quick peek at it...it do look fantastic :D :D I know it's been aired many times, but why pay more? :duno: Nice one Matthew, but what about the No7, just to add fuel to the flames :-" - Rob
Glad to hear that your initial impressions are high, Rob.

Did you have a chance to try the V1 of this model in the forum passaround, about a year ago? That one worked really well, even though there were a couple of niggles, which I believe Matthew has since resolved with these more recent models (coarse thread being one of those).

I'm sure there were one or two people, here, who've bought a no.6...?
Olly, no I didn't try the original version last year, but when Matt said there was going to be an improved plane, I thought I'd wait untill the V2 came out...glad I did now - Rob