"Ponçe" in french means "to sand" as in abrade. what in English is called "sanding" in French is "ponçage" , note the "tail on the letter ç , it is a c cédille , that "tail" changes the c sound to an s sound . In English in those words, it already has an s sound.
Pouncing used to be the way that one would transfer a design onto dry plaster for fresco-secco ( fresco on dry plaster )
The design is drawn on large sheets of paper or light cloth, holes are then pierced along the lines of the design at close intervals.The cloth or paper is then placed against the wall, than tapped all along the lines with a small cloth bag ( into which has been packed coloured dust, nowadays chalk ) the bag has been tightly sealed , it is about as big as a fist. The coloured dust is forced through the holes by this tapping, thus transferring the design to the wall as a series of dots.the dots are then joined ( as in some children's "join the dots books" . The cloth or paper can be re-used multiple times if required.
These cloth or paper "preparatory drawings" are called cartoons*, from the Italian cartone ( meaning large sheet of paper or cardboard ) .The technique is very old .
This is the origin of the technique that your wife used, it is widely used in tailoring today.
It dates back to Raphael and beyond.
* the origin of the word cartoons as is used today for comedic / funny drawings, or animated drawings, 3D animation.
Btw ..the ç is the first thing that a signwriter learns in France. Because of the following.
In modern French, a builder or Mason is called a Maçon ( s sound ) he produces Maçonnerie or Masonry .
The word Maçonnerie contains çonnerie ..
If you don't put the "tail" on the c , it becomes connerie , which is colloquial / slang french for f*ck up
So Maçonnerie becomes maconnerie which means "my f*ck up" .
French masons are not happy when a semi-literate signwriter for gets to put the tail on the ç when signwriting the mason's vehicle or the boards that they place on their sites.
"Wags" , sometimes remove the "tail" from the adhesive letter ç on Maçon's vehicles or sign boards.
A female Maçon is known as a Maçonne ..there the ç is vital..
I'll leave you to use the search engine of your choice to find out why..the filters here would not allow my explanation.