Ive got a job coming up shortly where I'm making a built in seating area on the back of a kitchen, with new stone worktops which will sail over the seat back slightly, giving a larger work surface etc.
The space is limited, so using the under seat area as storage is going to be valuable, however the client doesn't want to lift the seat up or pull drawers out of the front because her table will be in.the way.... so its sliding out the side instead.... the bench will be approx 1650mm long, 450mm high and around 400 wide.... so realistically, a pull out unit of 300 x 300 at 1500 long.
The question is, how best to have it coming out?
Castors? But it may not want to slide in 'in line' nicely and feel a bit diy....
Too long for drawer runners like hafele / blum
I seem to have hit a blank, any suggestions welcome, thanks
The space is limited, so using the under seat area as storage is going to be valuable, however the client doesn't want to lift the seat up or pull drawers out of the front because her table will be in.the way.... so its sliding out the side instead.... the bench will be approx 1650mm long, 450mm high and around 400 wide.... so realistically, a pull out unit of 300 x 300 at 1500 long.
The question is, how best to have it coming out?

Castors? But it may not want to slide in 'in line' nicely and feel a bit diy....
Too long for drawer runners like hafele / blum
I seem to have hit a blank, any suggestions welcome, thanks