Pre machined window parts (and door frames)

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28 Feb 2015
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Corsham, Wiltshire.
I am a joiner and for some time, as well as making and fitting windows and doors, we have been running off lengths of cills and window parts for builders i know who have carpenters who then make the windows. I have also run off lengths of T & G for outdoor offices as well as picture frame mouldings. I started this when i had the opportunity to buy a wadkin spindle moulder along with over 120 cutters for a great price and wanted to get as much use out of the cutters.

I have been slowly (as always busy) organising a website to offer the parts for sale in lengths. It was after seeing those posts with horrible injuries that i thought about offering smaller runs so individuals can make their own windows without having the need to use a spindle moulder or even a table saw. I hope this does not break any rules for advertising your business, and although i need to make a profit, this is more about offering a service so individuals can do the jointing part of making a window or door frame.

I just thought i would ask if this would be of interest for anyone. I have looked around and although it is easy to buy cills and sash and parting beads, getting frame jambs and parts for sashes.

Hope this is ok to post on here. I am based near j18 of the M4 but also have an account with tufnells so could ship.


In theory it could be of some use. For repair work especially. If I need to make a couple of sashes I will normally get the cutters ground and hopefully use them again in future.
I prefer to do the scribe method rather than mitre them. So do the scribes before the moulding. But for repairs on existing work could be good.

Would be good if you had a picture with all the mouldings you can run. I am near j15 of the M4 so could be handy.

Hi Ollie

Thanks for reply. I am in the process of running off samples so will have some samples to show soon so will let you know.

I will always scribe and use mortice and tenon joints. I am lucky to have a tenoner with a scribe block. Like you, i scribe first to avoid tear out, but i have done it the other way. I have some little strips of wood that I tape to the profile with masking tape and this stops any tear out. I have done this when i have been making sash windows and know i have more to make soon so machine more than i need.

i will let you know when samples are ready to see.


I have taken photos of a few profiles which i have been using. These are pretty standard cutters, 2 differing ovolo cutters and a chamfer. I would say that a large percentage of the windows i make come from these profiles and i have the matching scribe cutters for my tenoner.


Frame jamb with mortar grooves and groove for AQ 124 weather seal.


Sash rail

Mullion with aq21 grooves


Small ovolo for sash window with 17mm x 17mm groove for mighton spring balance.

Sapele cill for window.

I will if anyone is interested post more as i get a chance. Since i picked up the extra cutters from a retiring joiner, i reckon i have only used 30% of them and it just seems a waste.

I don't think most people realise what a demanding and technically tricky trade joinery is.
I recently had Lietz make me a customised lambs tongue profile cutterhead. Very high quality carbide insert knives. Gives me a perfect cope on my bars and rails.
But pricey. Very pricey. That's just one head with the cope mirrored on the same knife. Work's like a charm.
As for the old school knives. Not that brave. Seen to many ugly accidents using those bstard thing's. I only use insert and two pin safety heads. Anything else is a dinosaur best left buried and forgotten.


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I am a joiner and for some time, as well as making and fitting windows and doors, we have been running off lengths of cills and window parts for builders i know who have carpenters who then make the windows. I have also run off lengths of T & G for outdoor offices as well as picture frame mouldings. I started this when i had the opportunity to buy a wadkin spindle moulder along with over 120 cutters for a great price and wanted to get as much use out of the cutters.

I have been slowly (as always busy) organising a website to offer the parts for sale in lengths. It was after seeing those posts with horrible injuries that i thought about offering smaller runs so individuals can make their own windows without having the need to use a spindle moulder or even a table saw. I hope this does not break any rules for advertising your business, and although i need to make a profit, this is more about offering a service so individuals can do the jointing part of making a window or door frame.

I just thought i would ask if this would be of interest for anyone. I have looked around and although it is easy to buy cills and sash and parting beads, getting frame jambs and parts for sashes.

Hope this is ok to post on here. I am based near j18 of the M4 but also have an account with tufnells so could ship.


Looking at the state of our wooden windows over the weekend I think I'm going to be building a number of replacements next year! I was doing a bit of searching looking for ready-made glazing bars and the price of spindle moulders (plus the tooling of course) and the service you are offering sounds like it could be a godsend. Have you had much interest from other people?
I have been pretty busy machining not only window parts, in particular cills and glazing bars, but also other items such as staircase handrails, architrave and skirting boards.

I have also made a few complete window parts for customers who only have hand tools so can build the window from that point.

I think most of the interest has probably been more word of mouth, i have a number of builders, roofers and decorators who use me regularly, but also pass on my details, but i have had a few calls from further afield and have shipped the parts they needed.


I have been pretty busy machining not only window parts, in particular cills and glazing bars, but also other items such as staircase handrails, architrave and skirting boards.

I have also made a few complete window parts for customers who only have hand tools so can build the window from that point.

I think most of the interest has probably been more word of mouth, i have a number of builders, roofers and decorators who use me regularly, but also pass on my details, but i have had a few calls from further afield and have shipped the parts they needed.


It sounds like a great idea.

I think the stumbling block will be the fact the majority of the demand will be people who want to match existing.
And in that scenario every job will require different profiles etc.

The skill will be finding out if you could create a std range which covers a reasonable amount of the window types customers will need…..and offering a simple way for customers to make up a kit of parts to order.

I used to run a joinery company so have a fair bit of experience in this. I think it has the possibility of a viable business.

This company has built up from general joinery into making just timber mouldings, they have a sizeable business now.
Thanks Robin, I had seen that company but wasn't aware they started as a joinery business.

I have found that you get asked for a fair number of non standard profiles. I have quite a large collection of cutters (about 120 sets) that i bought with one of my spindle moulders so have all the standard profiles. I have had to have some made especially for a job too and will likely not use again.

It is encouraging that you think the idea is viable. I haven't had a lot of time to promote as we are always busy, but i would still say 20% of my income comes from machining items for clients. I have just done a big run of oak glazing bars as they couldn't buy off the shelf.


Thanks Robin, I had seen that company but wasn't aware they started as a joinery business.

I have found that you get asked for a fair number of non standard profiles. I have quite a large collection of cutters (about 120 sets) that i bought with one of my spindle moulders so have all the standard profiles. I have had to have some made especially for a job too and will likely not use again.

It is encouraging that you think the idea is viable. I haven't had a lot of time to promote as we are always busy, but i would still say 20% of my income comes from machining items for clients. I have just done a big run of oak glazing bars as they couldn't buy off the shelf.


its worth bearing in mind that timber suppliers like Timbmet and Brook Bros have extremely good timber machining facilities, I once had a complex section machined by Timbmet for not much more than the cost of the sawn timber. The cutters they use cost around £300 for a setup , but they use CNC setup 4 siders and the set up time / run time is short -so if you get any biggish orders consider subbing out and marking up -its an opportunity for increased turnover without any extra workshop time
Again, thanks very much Robin. That is very useful.

Like the above poster, Shavingsnotdust points out, there are a fair number of individuals who have the skills and equipment to make windows if they have the timber profiles as a starter. My father who has only hand tools (and plenty of time as retired) made some really smart windows for his garage which is what gave me the idea of offering the service. The added bonus was the satisfaction he got from doing it.



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