So with landlord inspection due in a few weeks I figure seeing as there's not much I can do in the house with SWMBO hoarding I decided to start on tidying the garden a bit, it's not terrible but there was a lot of clutter, half a pallet of bricks that the weather has got into and blown, a few big pallets, some bulk bags of soil and a few other bits, all left over/built up from other projects in the garden, when we moved in there was a metal bin in the corner of the garden that was full of coal and ash, presumably from the brick bbq, I left it and after the first winter it was also full of water, that summer reeds started growing in it so I've just left it to it own devices, my plan, use the pallets to build a raised bed that I can then move the bulk bags of soil into, once the frame was built into the corner of the garden I used up all of the pallet wood to build the frame and fill in and gaps, I used bricks to keep the timber off the grass then lined the entire thing with thick polythene and as its very deep I lined the bottom with all the bricks that are blown, this gave me 3 layers of brick in the base which will help reduce the outward pressure at the bottom, I then started moving the soil, once I had a few barrow loads in there I used the garden hose to get the soil down into the larger gaps then carried on filling it with soil, bits of wood and ash/coal from the fire pit, it's currently just over half full and I'm going to leave it to settle for a while, I will be mixing my sawdust/shavings from the workshop, decayed grass from last years grass clippings and more wood offcuts with the soil. I have a few rolls of AstroTurf left from a school project that should cover the front and tidy it all up, as for planting, I have 2 small willows in large pots that I've kept clipped as small shrubs that will go in and I have 2 pots of new Zealand flax that I might take some cuttings from but they would have to go into the bed in pots to stop them spreading and filling the whole bed, they grow very quick. I'm going to continue leaving the reeds to their own devices.
I've stacked some old thin bricks on the left to keep them out of the way, I actually like the look so will remove a few layers and add some thin brackets to the pallets behind to help stop the wind blowing them over, once plants start growing between them it will look great, on the opposite side I've put 4 lumps of Eucalyptus I was given a couple years ago, I like them as garden decor so will keep them where they are. The front is about 3.5m