@Stigmorgan ..When you've got your stand stuff out of the way..may I point you in the direction of this..

"New Masters of Woodturning"
Terry Martin and Kevin Wallace.
I bought a second hand lathe locally ( Paimpol ) Sunday before last.I only need it for making one thing ( twice ), but I'll probably keep it and play ( haven't used one since arriving in France over 30 years ago ). The person who sold it to me spoke some English, had other items ( which I left ) but threw that book in. Lovely work in there, some highly unusual, kind of work and methods combining turning and sculpture that you rarely see. Struck me as the sort of thing you'd be interested in , if you haven't seen it already ? ..Could give you food for thought.

I'm keeping my copy, you should be able to get hold of one ( library if they still have them in the UK ) or bookshop or "the river". Not "quick" stuff by any means, but very interesting..well IMO .
Ooops..Forgot to post the the ISBN 978-1-56523-334-8