Established Member
There is a lot of truth in what you say, how much of what I was taught in school could I remember within a year, also how much of it has been of any use to me – yes okay English maths woodwork technical drawing and I think that’s about it, have been of use.And all to massage the unemployment figures.
So now we start work at 18 or 21 and retire at 67. there are a lot of kids who would be much better off working from 14 as my Dad did and given day release to top up practical skills. Keeping people in school teaching them subjects they see no practical use for teaches them to do the minimum they can get away with.
I used to have a theory that children should be psychologically examined to find out what sort of a brain they had before they were taught things in secondary school, some, like me have a natural ability for inventing-making things and mechanics, some are natural musicians, some artists and others find joy in history or geography etc. I sometimes think that we would all be happier and better off if we utilised and developed the natural talents we were given.