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I knew the mention of proper grub would have the southern marble chompers heading for home :D
We showed em day we mate :lol: showd em proper :lol:

PS, can I email you before I log on next time so you can go in first just to make sure they're not about :?
I'll wait here until you give the all clear :oops:

Dean :lol: :lol:
Nowt wrong wiv em Alf, just avin a get together roun't back o bills mothers.

Av yow got any "Hugs Puddns, maad vrum groats an bits o' peg's mait, aw wrapped up in peg's intestines."

(need sum to gow wiv me cornish pastie)
berminggum is wun uv the Larges citays in the u-nyted kingdem.
its pRRobebLay moest faymus fer the buLLRRingg und spegettee jungshun, but as eLo- mor to offa. The nashnel eksibishun senta is a gRRayt sawss uv pRRoid te the lowkel in-abitents und steps av bin tayken in RResunt yeers to impRRoov the appeeRents uv the citay.

Birmingham is one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom.
probably most famous for the Bull Ring and Spaghetti Junction,
but has a lot more to offer. The National Exhibition Centre is a great source of pride to the local inhabitants and steps have been taken in recent years to to improve the appearance of the city.

Ain't google wonderful.
Dean":3kx6zvmv said:
Paul, you and Tiler distract them while I pull a cunning stunt from the rear while they're not looking :D :D :D

Dean :wink:

I doh want no part of cunning stunts from the rear, i maybe black country buit no what side i bat for :eek: :wink:

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