Pet hates.

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newt":1a0qmw8j said:
what does the phrase EARLY DOORS really mean. I assume it has nothing to do with doors. Geeerrrr :twisted: :twisted:

"early doors" comes from some pubs having early licences to serve market traders etc when they finished shift before 11am.

Thus being out "early doors" came to mean that you were on shift in time to finish to make the early oppening (usually at 9am - so a 7 hour shift would mean a 2am start)
zeb":dr4k9emj said:
1. ppl with no regards to push bikes on the road (found solution speed up as there over taking lol they have to down shift then lol or drop back behind u :lol: )

cyclists who cycle with no consideration for other road users - especially either cycling in the middle of the road or cycling two abreast having a nice chat , in a 60mph zone, oblivious to the huge queue of traffic behind them :evil:

and btw try that fun solution with me zeb and i shall drop back then wait for a nice big puddle to come up , and overtake whilst accelerating to give you a nice refreshing muddy , oily, shower.

setting out to antagonise car drivers is neither big nor clever - it is also foolish , remember that you are soft and squishy but cars arent.
lol u sound one of thoses ppl of saty glued to the arse of a cyclist are u ??, and u now that ur meant to leve the same ammount of room for a push bike that u would for a car :?: my mate fell her test becuse of that, :shock: i do not set out to piss drivers off only the pain in the ass one's :lol: , i ride mainly country roads which is diffrent to main roads, i will ride in the middle of my own lane so i have room to move in when a idiot takes over in silly places, what is it with cars and blind coners ?? :roll:

on main roads im the cyclyst doing 30 mph (a bit faster when i get my racer :) ) and trying to stay out the way and alive

i ve been hit 2 twice both times ppl swothing in on my on a coner because there is a car cooming up the other way so im a bit sentive to blind coner

rant over and sorry if i call u offensive and i now what ur saying bsm
Hi Zeb.
I guess one of my pet hates is the growing prevalence of people using "text speak" on the web, especially in forums such as this which are not necessarily peopled by members of the "texting" generation! :)
It makes your posts extremely difficult to read and understand. Have you considered using the SpellCheck button before the Submit button?

Just a little time spent shows that you care about your fellow member's understanding of your posts.
I guess that the corollary of that is that not caring shows a certain arrogance that is out of place even in the General Chat section.

I'm sure you don't mean anything by this aspect of your posts, (which I find generally entertaining), and I hope that you won't take offence at my comments. I'm certainly not laying down laws for the forum, but just replying in general to the OP and you happened along at the wrong time! :D

zeb":1axah8x7 said:
lol u sound one of thoses ppl of saty glued to the **** of a cyclist are u ??, and u now that ur meant to leve the same ammount of room for a push bike that u would for a car :?: my mate fell her test becuse of that, :shock: i do not set out to piss drivers off only the pain in the ass one's :lol: , i ride mainly country roads which is diffrent to main roads, i will ride in the middle of my own lane so i have room to move in when a idiot takes over in silly places, what is it with cars and blind coners ?? :roll:

on main roads im the cyclyst doing 30 mph (a bit faster when i get my racer :) ) and trying to stay out the way and alive

i ve been hit 2 twice both times ppl swothing in on my on a coner because there is a car cooming up the other way so im a bit sentive to blind coner

rant over and sorry if i call u offensive and i now what ur saying bsm

zeb you are virtually incomprehensible (which is another pet hate , text speak, or shld tht b txt spk )

no i'm not the sort of idiot who drives right on the @rse of cyclists , i usually drive well back and ovetake easily wide enough to give then falling space.

however round here at least you frequently get big groups who rather than cycling in single file towards the curb as they are supoosed to insist on cycling in big groups blocking the whole lane. Now yes i admit that a car would take up that much space but if you chose to drive a car at 15mph up the A420 in rush hour causing a massive tailback you would get pulled up for obstructing the traffic !

and your logic about cycling in the middle of the road to give you room to move in is faulty - if you were cycling near the kerb you wouldnt have to move in - and not as many car drivers would overtake you recklessly if you didnt set out to P*ss them off by speeding up when they move to overtake.

Just to be clear have no problem with the vast majority of cyclists , but i do think that they (like any other road user) should be subject to a tst of their proficiency , have bikes regularly examined for road worthingness (like the mot) , have to have collision insurance, and be compelled to use a decent sized headlight and rear light(not one of those poxy flash on and off ones) at night and in poor weather conditions. They should also be subject to prosecution for obstructions, speeding, cycling recklessly and all the other rules of the road that apply to other users.

also I feel that the automatic assumption of fault on the motorist in a colllision between car and bike should be dropped - and every case examined on its merits.

For example my old dear (who is probably one of the most cautious drivers known to man) was entering a mini roundabout one night last year having previously checked that nothing was coming from the right , when a cyclist dressed entirely in black and without a decent front light cycled into the side of her car (thus demostrating that he had entered the roundabout after her), he came off and suffered slight injury.

Now had he been a motor cyclist or car, the case would have been open and shut against him , however because he was on a bike they didnt even investigate just found my old dear at fault.
I would have no problem treating cyclists like ther vehicles, if they were prepared to act like them. That would mean obeying red lights, matching the speed of other traffic, not undertaking and the like.

Pet hates - drivers who will join a line of queuing traffic, blocking a junction whilst someone is waiting to move out, and people who don't acknowledge you when you give way to them on narrow roads.
big soft moose":g47j0fyk said:
wizer":g47j0fyk said:
It's not a pet hate but amuses me no end to hear the Business Boardroom speak like 'Blue Sky thinking', 'Mind Shower', etc

yep - in a meeting the other day one of our guys requested that "horizon scanning" be added to the next agenda - as we dont make radar we found this a bit confusing :D - but apparently it is the new buzz speak for "taking stock of where we are and dealing with ongoing issues" :roll:

mind you i'm not totally inocent of this as since taking over my bosses role (shes on maternity leave) i have found phrases like "key" and "pivotal" & "stakeholder"slipping into my vocabulary - as in " its absolutely pivotal that all key stake holders are consulted" rather than just saying we need to talk to the people involved.

If i start talking about "thinking outside the box" , and "non linear progresion of the idea stream" , someone please whack me one.

Thought this was relevant Wizer:

Councils must ditch 200 jargon words like "blue sky thinking", "stakeholder" and "incentivising" so ordinary people can understand them

Business-speak phrases like "predictors of beaconicity" and "holistic governance" are off the menu if council workers want to make sense to taxpayers, the Local Government Association said.

They have compiled a list of words and phrases that councils should eliminate from their vocabulary.

Instead of "across-the-piece" they should say "everyone working together" rather then say "actioned" they should simply use the word, "do".

Workers should not "facilitate" they should "help" and instead of "fast-tracking" something
I'm almost ashamed to say that i scored 6/7 - but then I work for (or at least hosted by) a council.

that said the council at hand already has a clear speech policy in its communications with the public, it is only in internal meetings that you get "initiatives for competaneous stake holder engagement" and such like
Well sorry to drag this out lol a mod can delete if they wish

sorry about the text talk force of habit from other forums im on :roll:

sorry to course offensive to you by calling you a @ss (which i want but you may of read it like that so sorry) and i like ur style of driving so respect :lol:
yep i understand fully what you are saying about packs of road riders, and yes i do think it stupid and some riders think they own the roads so sorry for the nasty riders around :eek:
As i said before it hard to explain but as the roads around here are only a lorry and a bit wide if i ride in the middle of my lane im more visible apparently,when car behind me i pull in and go back in to the side of the road (a dodge the pot holes) to let cars go past

personally i will not ride without a densest light on the front, i have two , and i have two on the back a fast flashing one and a constant on one :), some say overkill maybe on the front if ur in a city,town,built up area but im not :lol:
A mot for push bikes would be point less and would mean people like me would end up walking every were as i have no car to get my bike to the local bike shops which are not really local ,oh and to do the mot would take around 5 mins, check cranks,pull brakes,check tyres, bounce the suspension check for cracks on the welds, would be pritty point less
i know im assuming here agin but are u a city lad ? i ask becuse out in the sticks e.g were i am there are no buses so i cant get anywere if i had to pay insurance tax etc etc simply i would not have a job now,wouldnt of been able to find a job, and wouldnt have a little fredom to go were i want im 17 by the way, so insurance would be stupid if u ask me, maybe a small road tax :?: and having to have a driving lience for a push bike would mean lot of kids wouldnt get out to have fun etc u see were im comming from ?

oh i didn't really write what i meant/ didn't make it clear before
hope this makes my point clear ?
rant 2 over lol
no zeb i'm not a city lad - i both live and work in the countryside and i understand the point about buses being rare as rocking horse dung. Which is why I drive a car.

my point about cycling MOT was that you can currently ride a bike with unsafe lights/brakes/ tyres or what have you with total impunity and if these defects cause an accident with a car the car driver will automatically be at fault. and re the distance - surely you could cycle to the cycle shop ?

Driving licence wise - all it would take would be for the cycling proficiency test (which is widely and cheaply available often in schools anyway) to be made mandatory, and a sensible legal age put on ( 12 ? ) kids younger than that shouldt be cycling on the roads without parental supervision anyway.

road tax wise - road tax is now done on CO2 emmisions , and as a bike is carbon neutral you would be nil rated which is fair enough.
would be nil rated which is fair enough.

So you would charged for a disc stating that no tax was required. They wouldn't miss a chance like that!

Digit":1ydlenfq said:
would be nil rated which is fair enough.

So you would charged for a disc stating that no tax was required. They wouldn't miss a chance like that!


not at the moment - if you have a nil rated or tax exempt car you just fill the form in, produce your insurance and MOT and get given the disc.
Yeah, I know BSM as my car is tax exempt, but 'they' are watching!

oh right sorry i see what u mean about proficiency test and yes id say a age restriction but id be for 11 not 12 as that when u more up to secondary school

my local bike shop, well only one i trust if a 60 miles round trip, and my local hellfords are lethal when it comes to push bikes,
pet hate: hellfords near me lol, they say they they have to assemble the bike for u and when u get it home assuming it will work the brakes dont engage on the disc's and the gears dont change, and they cut the wire so short u have to go buy new wires for ur bike :twisted:
my mate brother rode his nice new bike up his garden, slight hill and went hit the shed at the end of the path he was 10 so ill let him off testing to make sure the bike is safe and I wasn't there alas I mend his bike and gave hallfords a right earful

right fair play maybe u road are not like the road i ride ??lol still when iam on bigger roads iam on the side out the way

oh and to all reading this cycling on the road is not as dangerous as I may of made it sound, get your bike out and ride !!!