Pendants. How I make them.

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Turn It In

Established Member
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21 Feb 2009
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Nr Hull East Yorkshire
Hi All,
As requested here are several photographs of the production process for producing the pendants and I would like to thank Alan who took all the pics while I was showing him how to make them. I do not claim any originality for this method and was inspired by a demonstration by Gerry Marlow who actually re-machines his off centre.
So here goes, you need to make a screw chuck with a No 8 screw protruding less than 1/4" and as shown standing well off the chuck jaws.
Cut the blanks you wish to use down the length of say 2x2 to 2" and then cut across, centre and drill a suitable pilot hole. I make the blank between 1/4 and 5/16inch thick.


True up the circumference

With the gouge at 10 o'clock draw cut out to the edge until this side is chamfered to the centre

Remove and refit to do the other side, do not make the final outer edge less than 1/16 inch other wise after sanding and polishing it may become rather sharp!



Sand to 600 both sides

Once satisfied with the finish replace the screw chuck and standard jaws with Shark jaws and carefully insert the part completed pendant into the first grooves.

Now chamfer into the centre on both sides increasing the size of the centre hole

Sand both sides to 600 and blend in the surface. Your choice and style.

We are now ready for buffing first with medium buffing soap and then fine and finally on the third buffing wheel carnauba wax. I wear the hi grip gloves to help to keep hold of the pendant not to protect my hands.



Using your preferred miniature drill a suitable hole for the cord and then push a piece of wire through bent round to use in the same way as a needle threader to pull the centre of the loop of cord, I fit about 36 inch with the ends knotted.


Here is a pic of the end result and the type of cord used, I buy it from a store in Hull called The Range from a display stand having all forms of cords and ribbons.

And so finally a picture of your truly with the finished article.

I trust this has helped those of you wishing to make something special for her in doors as well as just bringing in the shaving.
Best regards,
Thanks for that.

Thats is a lot better than the one in "Woodturning" a while back, that had the blank glued to a larger waste block. and was not reversed, so you had a flat back, and a shaped front only.

Thnaks for posting !

Thanks Ian and Alan for an informative post.

Thats a neat way to get a good finish on both sides.


Mike C
Hi Loz, Jenx, and Mike C,
Thank you very much for your replies as it seems to have taken ages to load up Photobucket and before sort out the best pics from 50 taken so lets see some pendants now. Half the battle is a clue as to how to do it.
Thanks very much for taking the time to post this. I'm definitely going to try this at xmas for little presents.

Can I make a small suggestion? If you increase the size of the pics it would be much easier to see what's going on. Currently they are 390 wide, if you increase it to about 450 they'd be perfect.

Great post and pictures - thanks very much :D

(Hope you know you'll be in the Rogues Gallery as soon as Chas sees this post.. :wink: )

Yes a great set of pictures, thanks for taking the time to take and post them.

Another thing on the list of stuff to try. :D

PowerTool":bwct9zid said:
(Hope you know you'll be in the Rogues Gallery as soon as Chas sees this post.. :wink: )
The deed is done. 8)
Many thanks Ian for taking the time to give us the know how, its a great little present for all ages, will have to have a go at these this week.
Many thanks .