Paypal fraud email

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Established Member
5 Nov 2004
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Just received this email:

<img src="" width="650" height="68"
We recently have determined that different computers have logged into
PayPal account, and multiple password failures were present before the
One of our Customer Service employees has already tryed to
telephonically reach you.
As our employee did not manage to reach you, this email has been sent
to your notice.
Therefore your account has been temporary suspended. We need you to
confirm your identity
in order to regain full privileges of your account.
If this is not completed by 6 Apr, 2006, we reserve the right to
terminate all
privileges of your account indefinitly, as it may have been used for
purposes. We thank you for your cooperation in this manner.
To confirm your identity please follow the link below:
Thank you for your patience in this matter. <br><br>
PayPal - Customer Service <br><br>
Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail
to this address cannot be answered.

All looks fine until you realise I don't have a Paypal account.:shock: :roll:

I'm assuming its dodgy as hell and the reason I am posting it is that some of you lot may have a paypal account and receive a similar mail.


I get a load of these... Mostly Norton AntiSpam gives them the heave-ho but occasionally one gets through.

Funny thing is about most of these phishing emails is that you can check them by right clicking on the link to the email -> Properties -> Details -> -> Message Source button. This method doesn't actually open the mail but allows you to see the source code that is hidden when you normally view the email.

Now maximise the window that popped open and then you can check what the email actually is. If you see a big block of gobbledygook below some clear text then my advice is to bin it as it's hiding what it's really doing just like the example below...
begin 666 [Norton AntiSpam] Please Restore Your Account Access.htm
M<FEF.V9O;G0M<VEZ93H-"C$R<'[8V]L;W(Z(",P,# P,# [?0T*3$D>VQI
M,'!X(#5P>" Q,'!X(#(P<'[?0T*3$DN<'!S;6%L;&)O<F1E<FQI('MM87)G
M:6XZ,'!X(#!P>" U<','!X.WT-"E5,+G!P7VYA<G)O=R![;6%R9VEN.C$P
(You can see where Norton AntiSpam has tagged the suspect email above!)

Another classic is using paypals graphics to make it look legit but directing you to another site like this...
<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt=PayPal></a>

... there you can see that it is apparently a paypal email link but actually links to annielee.moneyspace (probably a black hole that sucks all your cash out of the account from the info that you send them).

That concludes my phishing spotter class 101... :wink:
We recently have determined that different computers have logged into
PayPal account, and multiple password failures were present before the
What? This means nothing.
One of our Customer Service employees has already tryed to
telephonically reach you
tryed to telephonically reach you? a misspelling, a split infinitive and innapropriate use of a word. One of the biggest giveaways about all of these scam mails is the poor grammar and spelling. You don't even need to look at mail headers to know that the mail is rubbish. Of course if you dont have a paypal account or whatever thats often a clue as well. :D
Opening these posts and clicking on links can bring lots of spam or worse don't ask me how in now. delete them
mr":mzzhvv13 said:
One of the biggest giveaways about all of these scam mails is the poor grammar and spelling.

That would mark most government bodies or large corporates as scammers then.

I seem to regularly receive letters containing phrases similar to this:

"in as regards to yourself in this matter"

:roll: :roll: :roll:


tim":2y8vodh6 said:
That would mark most government bodies or large corporates as scammers then.

Yup... this is true. :p After all VAT is one hell of a scam... TV Licence is a scam.

The americans think VAT at 17.5% is a joke when you consider their sales tax varies from 4% to 7.5% and they don't have to pay for a TV Licence either.

It's the same when playing online games. I used to play Eve Online and was annoyed as hell when they put up the price to account for VAT when the players outside of Europe who were playing the very same game didn't pay ANY sales tax at all. So a player in the UK (where the servers were based) payed 17.5% more than someone in the US playing the very same game.

Sometimes I think that it would be better to move to the states as everything is cheaper and taxed less than in the UK. :-s
Neomorph":1i4gly7m said:
tim":1i4gly7m said:
That would mark most government bodies or large corporates as scammers then.

The americans think VAT at 17.5% is a joke when you consider their sales tax varies ... .

Sometimes I think that it would be better to move to the states as everything is cheaper and taxed less than in the UK. :-s

Yeah, try their benefit and health care systems too.
Hi John,

I take it you no longer play Eve? I got into it a few months ago and am having a whale of a time! Bit weird to have to effectively buy the same computer game every month though!

(sorry, a little OT there)

Vormulac":3cra7ugr said:
Hi John,

I take it you no longer play Eve? I got into it a few months ago and am having a whale of a time! Bit weird to have to effectively buy the same computer game every month though!

(sorry, a little OT there)


I was a beta tester of the program and then played for two years. I'm going to probably get back into it once I've got my decorating and gaming pc's up and running again.

Does the Fountain Alliance still exist? I was one of the founding members you see. :wink:
Hmm... the Fountain Alliance - doesn't ring any bells, but then I've stuck to a reasonably small area so far, so I may not have come across them. Hope to see you in space real soon! :)
