1. Cyclist should not be on the pavement
- Im not trolling you Paul - Im just confirming what the law says about this.
Oh yes we can, and i do REGULARLY. in fact its the safest place given drivers kill five people every single day.
But yes indeedy, cyclists can legally cycle on the pavement area.
I have cycled numerous times past beat policemen both on foot and passing in their cars. At no time have I been stopped and challenged that I was breaking the law.
Why do you think that is ?.
If the law is broken or infringed upon, it is the legal duty for the police to challenge that person, and they do.
Many people claim to know the laws. When clearly they do not.
A could of weeks ago, i rode to the supermarket, and on that journey it involved crossing at a toucan crossing. I waited, along with another cyclist, and a couple of pedestrians.
Crossing light came on and we all dutifully crossed.
As I got to the other side, the leading car that had stopped and was close to the kerb rolled down his window to challenge me for crossing there, telling me in a loud and confident manner that I was not allowed to cross on this type of crossing.
I politely told him not only was I allowed to do it, but there was a bicycle symbol, next to the pedestrian symbol showing that bikes can use it.
But he vigorously shook his head and insisted I was in the wrong. I told him plainly that I allowed to use it, and this was confirmed int he highway code. He disagreed strongly, shaking his head telling me that the highway code said no such thing.
I KNOW the highway code concerning cycling, and do swot up on these things. its in section 25 under crossings if you are interested.
Now clearly he was uninformed, and was making a complete fool of himself claiming he knew the code, when the point is he didn't. I only wish i had a copy to hand. Maybe I should start carrying photocopies

so i could patiently wait and watch his face drop as rapidly as his overblown ego.
But from experience, even showing proof to these people, they wouldn't believe it or more likely would ignore the facts, and believe wholeheartedly that it is their opinion on their interpretation of the rules than matter more than the rules themselves.
Now back to the cycling on the pavement thing.
If a cyclist believes strongly that his/her life is in danger on a road, they can legally cycle on the pavement, but must do so in a safe manner. So a little over walking speed, maybe 7 or 8mph, taking care and consideration of those around you.
Obviously someone riding quickly is not allowed. but with due care and attention there is no problem.
And thats really what it is all about - Due care and attention of other users.
Now when I have to cycle on the road, and most are 2 lane, with one lane taken up by parked cars, i must ride in the primary position, close to the white dividing line. The law and code tell me to do this because that is the safest position for me to ride in.
But I know at my some 15/16 mph that im going to get a build up of traffic behind me, so when i think it safe, or feel that the build up had gotten quite long, I will pull right in and bump up onto the pavement and allow that traffic to clear.
Im not doing that for the benefit of the drivers, who might need to get to their destination 15 seconds quicker, but I do so because in my 3 decades of being a road user I have witnessed countless, i repeat countless times impatient drivers have taken on dangerous maneuvers, which could put me at risk in order to gain those extra precious seconds off their journey.