I saw the thread yesterday, but the pooter went tits up, and I couldn't be bothered arguing with it at 10 at night...Sorry.
Now, I've seen your pics, assumed Wizer's done something similar, and have to say, being the Q.C. AND H&S rep at work, I have always tried to be careful with my tools - i.e. spinning sharp bits are a no-no for fleshy parts I'm attached to.
I was using my hand-held router a few weeks back, and had a silly moment myself
Having routed something (I forget what), I took the router off the table (releasing the deadman switch) and moved the router to my right hand side (I'm a leftie), BUT it was still moving, and the movement caused a 'wobble' - so much so that it decided to say hello to my workshop shirt (used to keep dust in the garage etc). One hole later, and a "Feck, that was close!" I decided to wear a tighter outer layer, and move the router
away from my till it had stopped spinning... It still sends shivers up my legs thinking of the damage I could do to myself, with any powered, or,
unpowered tools.
Hope you get the use of your hand back soon - your typing's not been affected has it? :roll: