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30 Sep 2004
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In advance of a trip to Washington, profiles of the Prime Minister have been appearing in the U.S. This column tuned in by satellite to Eye-Witness News, Palm Beach , for a preview of the visit:

'Good morning America , how are you? This is your favourite son, Chad Hanging, reporting. The President of Englandland, Norman Brown, is arriving in our nation's capital this afternoon to meet with President Bush.

But just who is this guy? Let's cross to our special correspondent Brit Limey.'

Hey, Chad . As you can see, I'm standing in the world-famous Trafalgar Circus, with the House of Fayed directly behind me.

So what can you tell us about Norman Brown?

Well, Chad , he has been President for some nine months now. He used to be Chancellor.

What, you mean he's, like, German?

No, that's what they call their Treasury Secretary over here.

And is he a Conservative, like President Tony Blair?

No, Chad . He's Labour. President Blair wasn't a Conservative, either. He only pretended to be.

So how did Brown get the job?

He just kept shouting at President Blair until he stood down.

But he won an election, right?

No, Chad , there wasn't an election. He did think about calling one, but
decided against it because he was frightened he might lose.

How can you change Presidents without having an election? I mean, it's not like President Blair was assassinated.

That's just the way it works in Englandland. The leader of the party with the most seats in the House of Lords gets to be President.

So Norman Brown was elected leader of the Labour Party?

Negative, again, Chad . He did raise money and have a leadership campaign, but no one stood against him.

What, nobody? No primaries, no general election, nothing?

Affirmative, Chad .

Let me get this straight. His party hasn't elected him, the country hasn't
elected him, yet he still gets to be President. Sounds like a tin pot Commie
dictatorship to me.

You could say that, Chad . Norman Brown doesn't really like anyone being
given the chance to vote on anything.

Someone must have voted for him, some time.

Oh, yes. He was elected to the House of Lords by his constituents in Scotlandland.

He's Scoddish, then?

That's a big Ten-Four, Chad.

So is he President of Scotlandland, too?

No, that's a guy called Alan Salmon.

Hang on, if Brown's from Scotlandland, how can he be President of Englandland?

That's just the way it goes in this crazy country, Chad. Brown can make laws for Englandland, but not for his own people in Scotlandland. Not that it matters much because Brown has signed away most of Englandland's lawmaking powers to unelected European bureaucrats in Brussels, Belgiumland.

That would be like stripping Congress of the power to make laws in America and handing it over to Mexico .

I guess so.

How in the Hell did the people of Englandland vote for that?

They didn't. Brown wouldn't let them, even though it was a solemn promise in his party's manifesto the last time people were allowed to vote.

Couldn't the Supreme Court have stopped him?

Not really. The Supreme Court of Englandland is now in Strasbourg, where the geese come from.

Isn't there any opposition?

There's a guy called Boris.

Sounds Russian.

I wouldn't be surprised, Chad . There are millions of Eastern Europeans
living here now, mainly in Peterburl. Englandland has seen mass immigration over the past ten years, but no one voted for that, either.

What in the name of Ulysses S. Grant is going on over there, Brit?

We're talking about the country which gave us Magna Carta, saw off the
Armada, stood alone against Hitler and invented parliamentary democracy.

How does Norman Brown get away with it? He must be a popular guy.

Far from it, Chad . According to the latest opinion polls, he's the most
unpopular President ever. His approval ratings are even worse than George Bush. There's talk about him having to stand down soon. He's already promised the job to some guy who works for him - name of Balls.

Say again, Brit, you're breaking up.


You're damn right there, buddy.
I'd be doing a lot more laughing if it wasn't so true.

Digit":sm0gb426 said:
I'd be doing a lot more laughing if it wasn't so true.

Which bit? I only found one or two accurate statements in the whole thing; the bit about chancellor being from the treasury and that Brown is Scottish
How about the comparison of non elections with elections for leadership?
Popularity comparisons?
Most laws made in Brussels rather than Westminster?
Ducking an election (but not because the polls were against him of course)?

:lol: :lol: :lol: , Nice one Gary, it's a shame that most of what you have posted as a joke, is true, how anyone can stick up for him is beyond me.

(unless they are not patriotic of course) Time will tell at the next election,
Digit":vxmy3n2d said:
How about the comparison of non elections with elections for leadership?
Brown defaulted as party leader by way of being the only candidate. It'd be nice if there was other candidates, there wasn't - get over it.

Popularity comparisons?
Sorry, Brown has a way to go before becoming the most unpopular primeminister; he is but the most unpopular Labour primeminister.

Most laws made in Brussels rather than Westminster?
This assertion is not made in the original post. The assertion was that Brown was responsible for handing over most of our law making powers to Brussels which is just a plain dumb thing to say.

Ducking an election (but not because the polls were against him of course)?
hee hee, that was embarrassing; fact remains however that Labour was elected to form a Government. I'm sure it sucks if Labour isn't your home team (not mine either) but I'm sure there's better arguments to be had than resorting to random sneering and congratulating yourselves for it.

Rich":vxmy3n2d said:
(unless they are not patriotic of course)

Excuse me?
there wasn't - get over it.

There wasn't for various Tory PM and leaders either.
I've nothing to get over, I was just agreeing that it was so. Okay?

It doesn'nt bother me which party holds sway, but you would like to think that charity begins at HOME, I don't know who you are Mr Jay, but my dad and lots of other dads,(and mums) laid their life on the line for the likes of you and me, and to see our rights given away to Brussels by a SCOTSMAN who has no Allegiance to the English and is not even liked in Scotland is unforgiveable, if you can give a good argument in his favour, I will be the 1st to listen, but I won't be holding my breath.

NB. I have been polite in my response and have not resorted to name-calling.
What does the fact he is Scottish have to do with anything Rich???
The same as anyone who is from Italy, Spain or Bulgaria for instance, they will have their own deep rooted thoughts at heart, I don't blame him for that, but I believe it's indigenous, one will always stick up for ones homeland, but apart from that Simon, he is a world away from the common man, I'm not whingeing as an individual, but as a Brit, which I am proud to be, When a PM looks after the UK 1ST and then the rest of the world later, that's okay by me, with all the woes this Island has at the moment, he should be looking inwards, not out

I'm not getting into the politics Rich, because, as you well know, it is against the rules.

I am questioning your rant about a Scotsman with no allegiance to the English. How can you compare Scotland to Italy, Spain etc. It is the UK government. Are you saying, in your opinion, the PM must be English? Even though England is but one part of the UK?
Yes sorry, I don't mean to get political either, but , the PM is A scot he has no say what goes on in the Scottish parliament, he has no say what goes on in the welsh assembly, we in England have no say in either of the above, but, we have Scotsmen and Welshmen in the chamber voting on very important issues in England, but not vice versa, perhaps you think I am biased, the fact is, it's the same as Brussels, someone is making decisions on my behalf, but I did'n't have the chance to vote them in or out.
This may seem political, but really , it's common sense, would you marry someone without knowing what their thoughts were?

That is because England doesn't have it's own devolved government/assembly, which I agree they probably should have. However, the PM is in central government. All of the UK is represented there. It just so happens that one of the scottish mps is the leader and therefore PM. As far as I can see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I couldn't give two hoots which part of the UK the PM is from. As far as I'm concerned, there are no borders within the UK. I consider all English, Scots, Welsh and Northen Irish (and any nationalised imigrants)my countrymen and women.
YES, and I could'nt agree more, but try telling that to those in charge, by the way it's not a rant, merely an observation, :D

Rich, at least the cricket is going well. :lol:
Do I detect an anti SA bias there Rich! [-X [-X

Rich":6c60zj2g said:
Yes sorry, I don't mean to get political either, but , the PM is A scot he has no say what goes on in the Scottish parliament, he has no say what goes on in the welsh assembly, we in England have no say in either of the above, but, we have Scotsmen and Welshmen in the chamber voting on very important issues in England, but not vice versa, perhaps you think I am biased, the fact is, it's the same as Brussels, someone is making decisions on my behalf, but I did'n't have the chance to vote them in or out.
This may seem political, but really , it's common sense, would you marry someone without knowing what their thoughts were?


That's right Rich, there are lots of people you don't personally get to vote for. One of the downsides of democracy is that other people also get to have a say. You don't get to elect an individual Foreign Secretary or the MP for Ashton under Lyne or the MEP for Avignon in France. You do however get to vote for your local Councilors, MP and MEP.

Perhaps proportional representation would sit more comfortably with you?
O and was Norman Brown responsible for loosing billions of Tax payers money when he sold off our gold reserves when the gold price was at a all time low :roll:

And as a reward he gets to run ? ruin ? the country further :? :? :?
You do however get to vote for your local Councilors, MP and MEP.

Who then promptly ignore us and do what the Whips tell 'em to do.
Democracy my foot!

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