I think you can choose a different type of democracy.
One that is more direct and gives the populous more say, or bigger policy announcements should be legally binding.
If the Tories say they will reduce immigration and they don’t, allow voters to take legal action against them personally.
Ah yeah, the reductionist approach.
Disregard the interconnectedness of the global economy and global events.
Disregard that conflicts in which the UK have been a major player, or ex-colonial areas where UK have imposed historic rule, have both been directly responsible for mass migration.
That kind of isolationist thinking brought us Brexit. Sadly, the undereducated just cannot understand that the UK is not "an island" in a global economy or within the context of global events. Sadly, shallow thinkers actually believe bad actors such as Farj, who claimed publicly that "Brexit is the only way to stop migration" when everybody who understood observable reality said that was categorically untrue. And so it came to pass that Brexit actually increased migration. Informed people knew and fully understood this beforehand.
Next it will be "gotta leave ECHR to stop migration". Except it won't. It can't. That's a lie. But a larger than ought to be credible segment of the "populous" will fall for that lie, and actively promote the lie. Because they "want to" believe it. Regardless of observable reality dictating otherwise. We truly live in the upside down.
Online safety is potentially a step forward in defeating the misinformation, disinformation and deliberate lies.
Meanwhile, our democratic system is still the worst governance possible. Except for all of the other governance systems.