I know that people can become radicalised by what they are exposed to. Plenty of people have been radicalised before the internet as well, certain people are drawn to fanaticism.
You have to credit people with some intelligence and agency to think for themselves.
Even though you didn't? You called those people "crazy" - so how do we reconcile the crediting of all of the people with intelligence and agency to think for themselves, while at the same time acknowledging that some people are crazies?
It'd be interesting to have
that discussion...
Are you suggesting I have in some way discredited someone or encroached on anyones rights to think for themselves? I just thought we were having an interesting discussion.
I specifically didn`t call those people crazy ( assuming you mean the radicalised people ). I did directly call the murderers of those politicians unhinged in a previous post. Do you think they were of sound mind ?
Radicalised people do not necessarily murder people many just try to convert people to whatever cause they support, many are lost and vulnerable people and as I said some people are particularly drawn to fanaticism for some reason. Only a few of them actually go and murder people, these ones are likely a bit "crazy".
I can easily reconcile the fact that people should be allowed to think for themselves and have agency to decide what to do in their own lives with the fact that some are crazy.
These two things can both be true.
This is just humanity, most people are generally good, trying to get on with their lives in peace. However, some people are crazy, evil, stupid, etc.
Similarly, some people are geniuses, have amazing talents and skills, are super caring etc.
I just think we don`t need thought police, any country or regime that has idea police has not been improved by it.