It has already been categorically stated to be harmless, theres even a section in the daily mail story.
" It has been declared a safe additive by both European and UK regulators as it doesn't transfer into milk.
Experts have also told MailOnline that customers do not have anything to worry about and that concerns about cancer risks are unfounded. DEFRA stated that it considers methane suppressing feed products 'an essential tool to de-carbonise the agricultural sector "
This shows that you didnt watch the vid,and havent even got past the DM headline. Though you have stated you dont agree with it so you have at least taken note of the story, or do these things just magically pop into your head.
It's either that or you dont actually have a point, or an opinion other than deny deny deny.
So let’s hear your evidence then. And if you cant actually provide any, so as far as this story goes, you're just a troll. And youre basing the negatives of this story from what a bunch of uninformed clowns have stated on tiktok and facebook. So much for your 'other Scientists'