Established Member

I knew this was going to be a Pig to save.
So much rust a few attempts to save it in the past.

Every Stud, nut and bolt was so rusted they had merged into one lump.
Meaning each one had to be cut off and punched out.

When dissembling was going on, this and other cracks showed up.

Extra care, heat and oil was used, but............

TIG welding was looked into, but the cost ruled that out.
So a Jig was made and OA brazing was used.

The flanged was brazed up, as was the body bowl. But it showed the whole bowl was riddled with micro cracks.

So the flange and bowl wee reinforced with 3 layers of Glass fibre matting.

This should give a clue of how much of the cast iron was lost due to rust.

So all the cast iron parts were soaked in Citric acid.
Well not all.