ok as agreed i put it back together.
used plus gas to dismantle, then an aerosol de-greaser to clean up the crud. left it for a few hours to air off and dry.
then i put it back together using an aerosol dry grease. went to gether really well and easily. turns without problems.
however i have discovered a problem with wheel i had. the mandrel is not quite right, and the wheel moves around a bit.
must check to see whether there are any other bits lying around.
was very surprised by how fast and for how long, the wheel turns after you wind it. i can see how alf is able to sharpen with it. forgot to count the various teeth, so have no idea of the ratio, but will look again.
so alf. how does your wheel mount, where did you get the mandrel, and is it just held by two washers and a nut on the shaft??
i would guess the company that made the stone, turret of walton on thames is no longer around, must check.
paul :wink: