Simon C
Hi - here's a decision I would love some advice on. Just ordered a sheet of very expensive 25mm mdf oak veneer which the local panel supplier cut into two for me for a pair of wardrobe doors. Unfortunately the guy there who was trying to be helpful taking it out to the car for me damaged the corner when he knocked it on the ground. I might be able to try and glue it up and take their offered £20 discount but the veneer is creased and it's on the side I would want to face out. Their other suggestions are to give me a new single door, but with no guarantees it will match the other door satisfactorily in terms of grain/finish or alternatively they have suggested that they give me enough 6mm solid oak to lip the doors up. The latter could be a good bet as I was only going to veneer edge them and this could be more sturdy but I haven't lipped doors before and concerned about getting into something I wasn't counting on. How tricky is this? Do the ends of the lipping need to be mitred? Anyone want to tell me what they would do in my shoes?