Oak and Black Walnut 6 Draw Chest


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Not too bad... until I saw the drawer runners :x A decent bit of furniture ought to have properly made and fitted drawers, not ghastly bits of metal stuck on the sides...OK in kitchens, but not on a piece like this. Also the ABW lipping round the top doesn't inspire, oak I think would have been better - Rob
Using rustic oak on a piece like this throws it a bit. I would've been tempted to use straight-grained oak to give it more of a contemporary feel (which I believe this piece is) along with the pulls and mitres but using a slightly darker finish..

As previously mentioned, the top (which looks like solid and not veneered) will move at some point and split the joints in the mitres... but I think most of us have learnt from a few mistakes in the past..

You should be proud of it, keep up the woodworking...
