My twins have just hit terrible twos in a big way, one thinks shes a monkey and climbs out of the cot every night, and the other likes to decorate with feaces................
\/ ccasion5: congratulations jonny and mrs T - remember the golden rules of child raising - you spend the first two years getting them to walk and talk , and the next 16 trying to get them to sit down and shut up
looking at those red marks i was thinking he looks just like his dad :lol:
nice one
doubtless a certain member will "fly" by sooner or later to tell you that you didnt make him right, and that he's made hundreds much better :lol:
Wow,thanks everyone . I'm quite touched by the response
Just an update to say, Mum and Baby are home with me now,we had a little hospital recall but all is well 8) (hence why its took me until now to reply) and all those nasty red marks have completely gone and we have a perfect little lad.
Meanwhile the lathe is cold and unused in the shed and I've got hold of some interesting bits and bobs of timber...............