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Roger, I like the colour scheme and the general layout. You need to make it more obvious that clicking the image opens up a slideshow (and I would suggest the images in the slideshow are annotated to highlight a skill/feature).

Roger you need to check the links across the top of the pages, I.E. if you click a current page tab at the top of a page "Conservation work" it takes you to the home page not refresh the current one.

One minor edit seen on a quick look;

So if you’re faced with a decision whether to go down the plastic route or the traditional route then why not give me a call?
Hi Roger,

You've got to mention some form of geographical location since I always choose suppliers based on geography due to concerns over my carbon footprint and the desire to support my local economy. Furthermore, I'm highly unlikely to trust a supplier who isn't prepared to give me a land-line and a postcode but I obviously understand your concerns regarding privacy and security.

Also, get yourself a proper domain name for your email address - I think it looks far more professional.

Just my two pence worth,

P.S. I'll see you Friday night for some fun with the P/T.
Nice work Roger - and good web name!

The only comment I would make is that it is apparent (well, to my eye) that all the images are part of the same "project" - or am I wrong? Can you obtain further images of different projects?


I like the website, Roger........but I like your comments on windows even more. I hope this brings you lots of good quality work.

Are you going to watermark your photos? There have been cases of people passing off the work of others as their own.......

Yes very nice layout and colour scheme. I agree that the type face could be a bit bigger. Again, I don't like slideshows. Annoying things. People want a few choice thumbnails with quality pics.
CHJ":lx6f185i said:
Roger you need to check the links across the top of the pages, I.E. if you click a current page tab at the top of a page "Conservation work" it takes you to the home page not refresh the current one.

One minor edit seen on a quick look;

So if you’re faced with a decision whether to go down the plastic route or the traditional route then why not give me a call?

in a similar vein the link for architectural joinery on the architectural joinery page takes you back to the home page which is illogical - also what is the point of this link ? as the browser is already on the page about that subject no link is needed.

re emails i agree you need a propper domain name - most hosting companies give you a ghost account which will take @domainname emails and forward them to your existing webmail.
Mike Garnham":2slsmn7x said:
There have been cases of people passing off the work of others as their own.......


yeah - lol and that persons website is still up - if i were brad i'd be suing him by now

that said the slight risk of some snidy little pink git nicking your pics has to be weighed against the need to show the pics to your customers and watermarks are worthless unless they obscure the detail as they can be cropped off.

I'd be inclined not to watermark but to put a disclaimer that all pics are copyright and not to be used without your permission.
Vey nice Roger - a very good site. Font size could be a little larger. Also when you click on the Contact link at the top - the navigation changes. I would also look to get a proper email setup associated with the domain - looks that little more professional.
Thanks for all the comments chaps. Please keep them coming. I'm taking many of them on-board and will do the update over the next couple of days.

Similar pictures - you've got me 'bang to rights' there. :oops:
I'm always wary of copy that pours scorn and is sniffy over popular choices. I too hate uPVC windows etc, however, given their popularity there is a very high chance that you will alienate potential customers for your furniture while you're busy winning the hearts and minds of people who want wooden windows and doors.

It's not necessary to make the statement about uPVC etc - you simply need to state that you can compete with the price of uPVC so people should not underestimate the value of original replacements versus uPVC.

One other point about the window and door page... Whilst very nice the illustration creates the immediate impression that your services are for wealthy mansion owners. If this is the case, then spot on. If not, it may be worth using a more generic image to make the point.

Also... agree the text is too small.

I would also display the pics differently. It's not as bad (IMO) as the slideshow only option but it's not making good use of the available screen space. And... some of your more engaging work is not on the first page.

But I should hasten to add... I like the site overall.
The other thing i wonder about is the appropriateness of your url.

you call the site fine cabinet maker which i have no doubt describes your furniture making skills , but then two thirds of the site is about your architectural and conservation skills.

If i were looking for an architectural or conservation joiner a site called fine cabinet maker would not be my logical first port of call.

perhaps you should have two websites one for your cabinet making and a second for your architectural work. this would allow each site more scope for displaying more examples of your skillbase to potential customers Most hosts will provide packages to host more than one site at only a fraction more cost.