Benchwayze":1sqnfpgs said:
Lons":1sqnfpgs said:
Started on Sunday morning at 6 am with a cop copter hovering over us for about 20 minutes and then this morning the activity was unprecedented.
A couple of squad cars travelling north through the village at high speed followed by a convoy of 10 police incident vans then over the next hour, car after car after car plus helecopter.
I recon at least 30 vehicles and god knows how many more came from the north.
I'm sure you've seen Rothbury on the news today, it's about 8 miles from us and there are only 3 roads into the place. I'm sure the police are paranoid after the Cumbria shootings but seems OTT - why did they fail to act on info given when this guy left prison? Cost some poor bloke his life! :shock:
Couldn't concentrate on work so I went for a game of golf and they were checking all cars on the main road. what the hell has this country become?
Unreal :!:
Why didn't the clever people who had him in custody, and knew he was unbalanced, get a Court Order to retain him there. None of this would have happened then. But no.. It's so easy to blame the Police again. Like they did for one or two other 'newsworthy' happenings.
This 'man' killed one person, seriously wounded his girl friend and blinded a Police Officer.
OTT? I don't think so. Or maybe you would like to have gone seeking him, unarmed and alone?
You've responded to my quote
12 days after I posted it.
If you'd read
all the posts I think you'll find that you've taken it out of context.
Many of my mates are coppers - some very senior. I couldn't do the job and wouldn't want to. Some serious mistakes were made and I'm not going to expand on that. The police can't win but the guy had to be dealt with, they just didn't handle it well.
Moat was well known locally with a well documented prison history and phycological profile. The warnings weren't acted upon and the consequences are terrible.
His CV includes beating his wife and child, wrapping a crowbar around a guys neck and many other serious unprovocked violence incidents.
i thought he wanted to be killed. Now I'm not so sure and the firing of tasers (twice) leaves serious doubts.....but sad as it might be....he's better dead IMO
The really "sad" people are the ar******* who have crawled out of the woodwork treating Moat as a hero. Those who travel to the town, climb on the signposts and lie on the grass where he died to have their photos taken. :roll: :roll:
What about Gazza turning up in a taxi, drunk, with a dressing gown, fishing rod and packet of crisps ? - silly bugger
And don't feel sorry for sam - she was very quick to sign up for her £100k "story" once she was over the shock of being shot.
Poor copper will get bugger all in real terms for the loss of his sight and livelyhood.
I think the last sentence of your reply is insulting.
You weren't here (unless you were one of the hoards baying for blood in Rothbury) and my village local!
Birmingham is a bloody long way from Northumberland so you haven't I assume got a clue about what
actually happened here.
I don't want to be personal - just don't like the tone of your response.