Northumberland is like a war zone today

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We all swear about the police force at some I'll guess, but God help us if the weren't there!
The officer didn't deserve that.

Lons":14hbpvwy said:
It's doubtful it was love - more possession it seems as he regularly beat up his wife and child.

Yeah - the ever popular "I love you too much to let you be with someone else"

Lons":1itpibv6 said:
Started on Sunday morning at 6 am with a cop copter hovering over us for about 20 minutes and then this morning the activity was unprecedented.

A couple of squad cars travelling north through the village at high speed followed by a convoy of 10 police incident vans then over the next hour, car after car after car plus helecopter.
I recon at least 30 vehicles and god knows how many more came from the north.

I'm sure you've seen Rothbury on the news today, it's about 8 miles from us and there are only 3 roads into the place. I'm sure the police are paranoid after the Cumbria shootings but seems OTT - why did they fail to act on info given when this guy left prison? Cost some poor bloke his life! :shock:

Couldn't concentrate on work so I went for a game of golf and they were checking all cars on the main road. what the hell has this country become?

Unreal :!:
Why didn't the clever people who had him in custody, and knew he was unbalanced, get a Court Order to retain him there. None of this would have happened then. But no.. It's so easy to blame the Police again. Like they did for one or two other 'newsworthy' happenings.

This 'man' killed one person, seriously wounded his girl friend and blinded a Police Officer.

OTT? I don't think so. Or maybe you would like to have gone seeking him, unarmed and alone?

Gary":34hnka7v said:
Alan Jones":34hnka7v said:
So Moat was finally found . Hundreds of plods, millions of pounds worth of equipment including specialist RAF search planes and he was found in the village in the midst of them all :roll:

Funny, yet again someone/something found in the last place you look. :lol:


Everything you can't find, if it turns up, is found in the last place you look. Funny innit! :lol: :lol:

In this particular case, I mentioned to my wife that he could be using the sewers and the river to get about. I am hoping the Police had thought about this before I did!

John :wink:
Apparently he was able to move around in the sewers he closely resembled a large turd! :wink:

I'm interested to see whether that other parasite - Maximum Clifftop -represents the poor copper to make sure he is ok for life....

I doubt it somehow....


The victim I feel least sorry for is his chav girlfriend and she looks to be profiting very nicely from the situation. What was she thinking of, telling Moat she was abandoning him for a copper when she knew he already blamed the police for everything that had gone wrong in his life and hated them.
Alan Jones":3e9deigz said:
The victim I feel least sorry for is his chav girlfriend and she looks to be profiting very nicely from the situation. What was she thinking of, telling Moat she was abandoning him for a copper when she knew he already blamed the police for everything that had gone wrong in his life and hated them.

That's a bit harsh.

Moat was in jail for hitting one of their kids - it's not surprising that she was a little angry with him. Most people when angry say things to wound those who have hurt them. A far as I can see her only mistake was ever getting involved with a thing like Raoul Moat.

The world is a far, far better place with him dead. His paranoid delusions about police persecution don't wash with me or anyone else with half a brain.

There are a lot of people in prison who have committed offences who don't represent a danger to the public who shouldn't be there. Equally there are a lot of people who are a danger who who should be locked up permanently whether they have been convicted of an offence or not.

Objects like Moat are a case in point. Surely some mechanism could be devised that would have kept such an obviously dangerous person off the streets forever.
It would seem, I think, that any slip up was within the prison system. Surely, if he had been examined by a psychiatrist he could have been detained under the mental health act?

Talking of mental health, The Viz
excerpts from letterbocks circa 1998

Excerpts from 'letter-bocks'

THEY SAY that laughter is the best medicine. My grandad has got Parkinson's disease and we've been laughing at him for months and he hasn't got any better. So much for that theory.
D. Smoog, Paris

SURELY it would make sense to simply nuke the Middle East. Then all the sand would turn to dunes of glass that you could ski on, providing you lined your skis with velvet. And you could find oil just by wandering around looking down.
Neil Weatherall, e-mail

WHILST cleaning Jamie Oliver's windows the other day, I Pee-ed in his window box with herbs in. Have any of your other readers done spiteful things to celebrities?
OTG, Herts

I WONDER if I could use your letters page to warn women about a scam that is going on. If a man comes to your door and asks to look at your tits, claiming to be doing a survey, do not show him your t*ts. I fell for this the other day, and it was only later I discovered that there was no survey, he was only trying to see my t*ts.
B. Harrison, e-mail

HAS ANYONE lost a flat, orange cat and some flies in the car park of Llantrisant Tescos? I found them yesterday and wonder if there is a reward.
Kris, Pontyclun

SEVERAL weeks ago I sent Denise Van Outen some of my pubic hair and a photocopy of my penis, yet she still hasn't had the decency to reply. Isn't it about time some of these so-called 'celebrities' looked down from their ivory towers and realised that it is borderline psychotics like myself who made them what they are today?
John Sowerby, Sedbergh

THESE NEW 'Gentlemen's Clubs' are a complete con. I went in one the other night and it was full of women. To add insult to injury, most of them were practically naked.
Robert Warren, e-mail

WHAT A rip-off these so called Scottish Widows are. The one they advertise on telly is a real gorgeous, classy tart, but when I fixed myself up with one from the 'Encounters' section of the Glasgow Herald, she turned out to be a right old boiler living in a council flat in Motherwell.
Jamie McSporran, Glasgow

THESE DAYS, most shops have wheelchair access, but once inside the shop, the needs of the disabled are all but forgotten. Whilst in my newsagents the other day, I realised how difficult it must be for someone in a wheelchair to purchase a top shelf magazine. They would have to ask someone to pass it down which would cause great embarrassment. . Wouldn't it be a good idea if newsagents had a pneumatic ramp by the magazines to lift wheelchairs up to the top shelf. It could be fitted with flashing lights and a klaxon to warn other customers to keep clear of the mechanism when in operation.
Steve Dawson, e-mail
Brad , I wasnt justifying what Moat did, but knowing what a nutter he was
wouldnt she have been better off keeping her knickers on for a while rather than hopping straight into bed with her next conquest as soon as Moat was banged up and then goading him with it?
Which reminds me of the best Viz helpful tip:

Drill a hole in your fridge door to check that the light goes out when the door is closed.
Benchwayze":1sqnfpgs said:
Lons":1sqnfpgs said:
Started on Sunday morning at 6 am with a cop copter hovering over us for about 20 minutes and then this morning the activity was unprecedented.

A couple of squad cars travelling north through the village at high speed followed by a convoy of 10 police incident vans then over the next hour, car after car after car plus helecopter.
I recon at least 30 vehicles and god knows how many more came from the north.

I'm sure you've seen Rothbury on the news today, it's about 8 miles from us and there are only 3 roads into the place. I'm sure the police are paranoid after the Cumbria shootings but seems OTT - why did they fail to act on info given when this guy left prison? Cost some poor bloke his life! :shock:

Couldn't concentrate on work so I went for a game of golf and they were checking all cars on the main road. what the hell has this country become?

Unreal :!:
Why didn't the clever people who had him in custody, and knew he was unbalanced, get a Court Order to retain him there. None of this would have happened then. But no.. It's so easy to blame the Police again. Like they did for one or two other 'newsworthy' happenings.

This 'man' killed one person, seriously wounded his girl friend and blinded a Police Officer.

OTT? I don't think so. Or maybe you would like to have gone seeking him, unarmed and alone?


You've responded to my quote 12 days after I posted it.

If you'd read all the posts I think you'll find that you've taken it out of context.

Many of my mates are coppers - some very senior. I couldn't do the job and wouldn't want to. Some serious mistakes were made and I'm not going to expand on that. The police can't win but the guy had to be dealt with, they just didn't handle it well.

Moat was well known locally with a well documented prison history and phycological profile. The warnings weren't acted upon and the consequences are terrible.
His CV includes beating his wife and child, wrapping a crowbar around a guys neck and many other serious unprovocked violence incidents.
i thought he wanted to be killed. Now I'm not so sure and the firing of tasers (twice) leaves serious doubts.....but sad as it might be....he's better dead IMO

The really "sad" people are the ar******* who have crawled out of the woodwork treating Moat as a hero. Those who travel to the town, climb on the signposts and lie on the grass where he died to have their photos taken. :roll: :roll:
What about Gazza turning up in a taxi, drunk, with a dressing gown, fishing rod and packet of crisps ? - silly bugger :)
And don't feel sorry for sam - she was very quick to sign up for her £100k "story" once she was over the shock of being shot.

Poor copper will get bugger all in real terms for the loss of his sight and livelyhood.

I think the last sentence of your reply is insulting.
You weren't here (unless you were one of the hoards baying for blood in Rothbury) and my village local!
Birmingham is a bloody long way from Northumberland so you haven't I assume got a clue about what actually happened here.

I don't want to be personal - just don't like the tone of your response.

I would have thought that by now everyone would have been fed up of hearing about this terrible episode. Isn't it enough that we have to have it shoved down our throats elsewhere without the same happening here?

No offence meant or intended to any of you, it's just that there are a hell of a lot more interesting off topic topics to read and write about.


Mike.C":3cmk9y9x said:
I would have thought that by now everyone would have been fed up of hearing about this terrible episode. Isn't it enough that we have to have it shoved down our throats elsewhere without the same happening here?

No offence meant or intended to any of you, it's just that there are a hell of a lot more interesting off topic topics to read and write about.



You're spot on Mike
I've just read my post and wish i'd just let it pass. it's still going on here and we're fed up with it so I won't post again. :oops:

Some of the media antics followed by those idiots from the back streets of Gateshead have left a sour taste.

Police are still around as well. were searching the ditch at the bottom of my field last week. Didn't find my secret stash though :lol: :lol:

Lons":1n71dssz said:
Poor copper will get bugger all in real terms for the loss of his sight and livelyhood.

well i guess he can always sell his story to the screws of the world - " my trauma at being blinded by evil moat , read more on pages 4,5, and 6"