Northumberland is like a war zone today

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RogerS Why? Have you looked at the countryside around there? It's pretty empty and bleak.[/quote said:
You forgot to put the smilies to say that was a joke Roger.

It WAS a joke wasn't it :!: :lol: :lol:

The roundabout will have been closed until the search teams found every shotgun pellet they could. Try doing that quickly.

The police in the UK ARE trained to shoot in the head, in the event of a suicide bomber, or circumstances such as armed hostage takers with their victims next to them.

The army have no training in criminal law, their training is for war. How many can explain section 3 of the criminal law act or PACE? They would be a second choice to police firearms officers in the duties you are seeing on TV (I have the upmost respect for what the armed forces are trained to do by the way). Having said that you would be pretty nieve to not believe special forces are playing a role in this as during 7/7.

Lons":1nsr73kz said:
RogerS said:
Why? Have you looked at the countryside around there? It's pretty empty and bleak.
You forgot to put the smilies to say that was a joke Roger.

It WAS a joke wasn't it :!: :lol: :lol:


Not really, Bob.

I was getting increasingly exasperated by the general tenor of the thread in many posts. A lot of emotionally charged comments with little evidence to back them up. Exactly the type of comments that have flared up in the past into people getting the wrong end of the stick etc.

And so to the post that I picked up I say, more in exasperation ...we live in a fairly isolated place and I was curious to know how that compared with the area around Rothbury. So not being a local, I did the next best thing and looked at the aerial view in Multimap. And, it is a lot more isolated or bleak (bleak not being meant as a derogatory term) than where we live. I roam around in the woods behind us and know how difficult it would be to find someone. A space blanket wrapped around you would make you pretty invisible to any IR cameras in helicopters.

As I said, I was getting exasperated by the general tenor of the thread. General pops at the police etc. Side swipes raking over old topics 'try telling that the Menezes family ..shot in the head seven times.' Very easy to say that in hindsight. Not so easy in the immediate aftermath of 7/7. Yes, it was a question of mistaken identity but no, it was not wrong to shoot the guy seven times. That is SOP for a suspected bomber and to stop them. Possibly heat of the moment came into things but as I said, isn't hindsight wonderful.
Perhaps you would view the Demenzes debacle differently if it had been your innocent son shot in the head on his way to work
Alan Jones":2oq9iaae said:
Perhaps you would view the Meneze debacle differently if it had been your innocent son shot in the head on his way to work

Happily. that's unlikely.

It was a complete debacle, but it's a rare debacle. Generalising from rare occurrances is not a good idea.

Alan Jones":31vhettu said:
Perhaps you would view the Meneze debacle differently if it had been your innocent son shot in the head on his way to work

Sidetracking somewhat I know... sorry

I was initially supportive of the Police over the De Menenzes incident, until that is the lies and cover ups began to emerge. They should have told the truth from the outset, much as they expect us mere mortals to do, instead of ass covering, buck passing etc.
RogerS said:
Why? Have you looked at the countryside around there? It's pretty empty and bleak
RogerS said:
I understand now.
I wasn't a member when the other posts apperently were posted but these subjects will always invoke heated debate.

I wasn't intending to knock the police, some of my best mates are in the force at various levels, most actively involved and one mate who is a retired marksman at a high level.

My comment about the police dropping a b****** is true, they did in fact make a number of errors and this can be understood but what does annoy me is that when asked the questions, the powers that be have acted like politicians and ignored and skirted around the question instead of saying - yes we've ****ed but we're doing everything we can to put it right.


It isn't really bleak although can be in the winter, but the town is in a valley, the countryside in all directions is very hilly, heavily wooded in parts and bushed.
Definately very easy to hide out and they could walk past him quite easily hence my opinion about soldiers used to cordon off whilst police do the combing.

They don't know where he is but they've widened the net considerably and despite the official comment, many believe he is no longer there.
If he is, then he'll be located 'cause the helis are in the air almost constantly and he has to move sometimes (even if it's only to have a pee)! Still not easy to distinguish the thermal imaging when there are thousands of animals in the area as well tho.

studders":28k3cmwh said:
Alan Jones":28k3cmwh said:
Perhaps you would view the Meneze debacle differently if it had been your innocent son shot in the head on his way to work

Sidetracking somewhat I know... sorry

I was initially supportive of the Police over the De Menenzes incident, until that is the lies and cover ups began to emerge. They should have told the truth from the outset, much as they expect us mere mortals to do, instead of ass covering, buck passing etc.

Quite right Mr S :wink: And are you having a nice day?


So Moat was finally found . Hundreds of plods, millions of pounds worth of equipment including specialist RAF search planes and he was found in the village in the midst of them all :roll:
Alan Jones":1h9s1alg said:
So Moat was finally found . Hundreds of plods, millions of pounds worth of equipment including specialist RAF search planes and he was found in the village in the midst of them all :roll:

Funny, yet again someone/something found in the last place you look. :lol:
Digit":x4zeqyr5 said:
A sad end.


But for him the best end. Otherwise he would have been (rightly so) locked up for life and as he shot a policeman it would have meant life. All for the love of a woman.


Yes Mike given the option of being locked up for the rest of his life it is understandable why he chose that conclusion. Some plod being interviewed last night ,when asked why they hadn't used a tazer, replied that it would be too dangerous as there would be a risk of his gun going off. So what did they then do :?
Now they have offered a reward of £10,000 which will be paid to anyone who's information leads to his capture, and not conviction.

Darn it! And they were JUST going to put up the reward to £20,000 this Saturday...apparently it was a RAOUL OVER!!

:D :D :D :roll:

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Saved the poor tax payer having to shell out yet again on someone who clearly did not give a cr*P about anyone else.

I feel for the poor copper. Is the government going to compensate him? Nowhere near enough I bet!

Alan Jones":35051o8j said:
Yes Mike given the option of being locked up for the rest of his life it is understandable why he chose that conclusion. Some plod being interviewed last night ,when asked why they hadn't used a tazer, replied that it would be too dangerous as there would be a risk of his gun going off. So what did they then do :?

Yes I must admit I found that rather strange. The officer that was interviewed said that in a situation where someone is holding a gun to his head they would never use a tazer because muscle convulsion could cause the trigger to be pulled accidentally. Then the following picture was shown


So the news person asked if that is the case why had the officer in the picture drawn his taser?
His reply, I cannot speak for the officer and it would be unwise to speculate because of the IPCC enquiry.

On that note it is probably best if we do not speculate, because this is one of those cases that will get people hot under the collar.


Mike.C":3f4ct0hn said:
Digit":3f4ct0hn said:
A sad end.


But for him the best end. Otherwise he would have been (rightly so) locked up for life and as he shot a policeman it would have meant life. All [b]for the love of a woman.[/b]



It's doubtful it was love - more possession it seems as he regularly beat up his wife and child.

Sad to see anyone die - but he got what he set out to achieve.

The guy sadly was a lowlife with a history of serious violence. Somebody who is capable of wrapping a crowbar around a persons' back because he "looked at him funny" is a lost cause IMHO.

I feel for the poor copper. Is the government going to compensate him? Nowhere near enough I bet!


He's lost an eye and has other serious injuries. Will be pensioned out of the force and will find it difficult to get another job.
what about his wife and kids?