Nilfisk Alto Attix 550-21 Dust Extractor Review

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I have nothing but praise for the "Push and Clean" slightly smaller capacity Alto. I got mine from the Alto man at an Axminster show, about £170. I think the automatic cleaning version was about 400 quid then. Interestingly it looks rather similar to the Festool drywall sander vac.....

The Alto main filter is of some sort of plastic material and is washable. For intermittent powertool use the manual clean works well (dust doesn't stick too well to plastic filter) I'd pause for a quick manual clean between parts/cuts etc when I felt suction dropping off. However I can see that frequent breaks to activate the reverse blast cleaning would be a problem if you were making dust continuously as per drywall sanding.

If you use a bag then the automatic clean presumably has no purpose; the manual push & clean system might help reduce bag pore blocking? Perhaps Mr Nilfisk ALTO can explain?