I'm a latecomer, I know, but I recently spent several happy hours learning, laughing and generally enjoying Niki's expertise and kindness in sharing it with the rest of us. So many brilliant ideas, from adapting cheap Workmates to simply be wider (and thus far more useful), to the world championship class 'router morticer' (oh, so tempting!). And brilliant and very simple things, like homemade knobs with sandpaper non-slip coatings.
Those who say he lives on in his advice are quite right. I never knew him, but after looking at his postings, I feel I do a little, and that's a good thought.
It's one of those times when I guess we can be grateful for the Internet. so much of what we do and say in life goes unremarked, but at least via forums such as this, the best thoughts and ideas can continue on.
Well done Niki: a life really well lived. Thank you to his family too, for sharing him with us.