I have a big problem with Grey's in my garden. When I moved in about 3 years ago, I had a pair. I have since counted in the garden, on the fence and in surrounding trees
at any one time 11 of the little nut berrying gits. It doesn't help that my neighbor puts monkey nuts out for them each day ! I've got a trap but they are buggers to catch. Only 2
to date. 1 got away and the other is now deceased ! This spring, I had peanut plants sprouting all over my garden. All my sun flowers were destroyed thanks to them. They
steal the fruit from my tree's and bushes. Take one bite then throw it onto the lawn where they really enjoy digging it up for their nuts ! As soon as I get my air rifle, the
squirrels and I are going to have a serious falling out. I've checked with the RSPCA and I can legally slot the gits if done in a humain way. In fact, they told me that it is an
offence to release a trapped grey squirrel. I have been informed that I can legally use an air rifle in my garden as long as no pellets leave my boundaries but I will be
checking this with the local police before I do.
Does anyone know the laws of air rifle use ?