Bought myself a Clarke variable speed scroll saw 18/10/09, didn't use it the first day, and after a total of 4 hours use, it's just died on me, I thought at first it was just the blade snapping, so I stopped the beast, which is when I found out that somethings wrong withing the thing, somewhere around the tension knob area, it won't allow me to tighten or untighten the tension on the arm, it jusy sort of clicks, and thats that, so needless to say I aint a happy bunny, and I certainly aint a fan of Mr Clarke lol.
BUT on a positive note I am pleased to find that although I have only played around for a total of 4 hours I AM Hooked, it's a brilliant hobby, and is also afscinating, so when I get a DECENT saw I will be back, in the meantime I will be avidly reading this forum, so c ya later folks lol
BUT on a positive note I am pleased to find that although I have only played around for a total of 4 hours I AM Hooked, it's a brilliant hobby, and is also afscinating, so when I get a DECENT saw I will be back, in the meantime I will be avidly reading this forum, so c ya later folks lol