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Finally got the camera I wanted and the images coming off it are just what I wanted....



Clicking will give you a huge image but you can see the clarity of the stars now...and the colours!!!

Chuffed to bits!

Cheers Paul!

Been out ALL night again last night...25 sub images on what is called M52 (an open cluster top left) and the gorgeous "Bubble Nebula" at bottom right....


Great fun...but needs proper processing when I'm less tired!


Think you missed your calling in life def should have been a photographer.

Doesn't seem to matter what you point your camera at canine, plane or Astronomical phenomena a stunning result every time.

Any chance of an undoctored pic of the "Red" planet next time you do a late shift ?
Mr_P":2eehmn39 said:
Think you missed your calling in life def should have been a photographer.

Doesn't seem to matter what you point your camera at canine, plane or Astronomical phenomena a stunning result every time.

Any chance of an undoctored pic of the "Red" planet next time you do a late shift ?

That's most kind of you to say so Mr P.

I have been known to wander the streets of NY in my youth with an old (new then) F2A around my neck trying to break into the business in my spare time.

The only success I had in that field was a project I developed after a crazy rum-filled conversation with a National Geographic photographer back in the 80s....

We wanted to build a camera to capture close-ups of surf canoeing...a hobby that another friend was a master at. The resultant image won a few prizes...


Unfortunately, he was tragically killed in a freak accident soon after that image was taken and it didn't seem right to continue.

Far easier now of course...but I do miss real film....particularly B&W...


Cheers mate

I'm getting to grips with the new CCD camera now...


This is the Witch's Broom nebula also known as the Veil nebula in the constellation of Cygnus the Swan.

I have also started the foundations for the warm room to house the computer and control equipment for the dome as part of the whole observatory.....that should keep me and ALFIE snug in the winter. Pictures of that to follow soon.....

The Eastern Veil in Cygnus is even more spectacular...


This was taken on a relatively warm light with haze...but I took some more the night before last so I need to process these for a better image.

At the nights are not good for astrophotography...the "seeing" is fairly bad most nights. It was 24 degrees in the observatory last night...really muggy.

The winter and the cold, crisp and clear nights are best.

jimi43":2ltjtgz0 said:
The Eastern Veil in Cygnus is even more spectacular...


This was taken on a relatively warm light with haze...but I took some more the night before last so I need to process these for a better image.

At the nights are not good for astrophotography...the "seeing" is fairly bad most nights. It was 24 degrees in the observatory last night...really muggy.

The winter and the cold, crisp and clear nights are best.

Like 'The Veil' Jimi. My fave nebula.
Nice one.
those are some nice crisp shots Jimi, I didn't realise there were so many astronomers knocking around this place :) I've got 3 scopes, 2 mounts (2 refractors and an SCT, an alt/az motorised mount and a HEQ5 synscan), 2 cameras and a guidecam. not been out for a while but I do intend to try and get out this autumn/winter.

The colours on the veil itself look nice but not so sure on the star colours, I've noticed that there is a marked difference between all of the images (dumbell, witches broom, veil) but you're definitely on the right tracks. You've definitely cracked the main issues, which are being able to track well enough to take long exposures, getting colour right is an artform in itself.

The summer is a bit of a grotty time for astronomy, it never gets properly dark, best used for practising your aim and getting your setup/teardown times quicker and staring at the moon.

Cygnus is fantastic at this time of year, so high and just chock full of nebula, my favourite is ngc7000 (north america nebula) and the pelican nebula, ... 2.jpg.html that's my attempt at it, it just fills the FOV in my 66mm william optics and there are just soooo many stars it makes the mind boggle :)
Reggie":28txl1gz said:
those are some nice crisp shots Jimi, I didn't realise there were so many astronomers knocking around this place :) I've got 3 scopes, 2 mounts (2 refractors and an SCT, an alt/az motorised mount and a HEQ5 synscan), 2 cameras and a guidecam. not been out for a while but I do intend to try and get out this autumn/winter.

The colours on the veil itself look nice but not so sure on the star colours, I've noticed that there is a marked difference between all of the images (dumbell, witches broom, veil) but you're definitely on the right tracks. You've definitely cracked the main issues, which are being able to track well enough to take long exposures, getting colour right is an artform in itself.

The summer is a bit of a grotty time for astronomy, it never gets properly dark, best used for practising your aim and getting your setup/teardown times quicker and staring at the moon.

Cygnus is fantastic at this time of year, so high and just chock full of nebula, my favourite is ngc7000 (north america nebula) and the pelican nebula, ... 2.jpg.html that's my attempt at it, it just fills the FOV in my 66mm william optics and there are just soooo many stars it makes the mind boggle :)

Hi Reggie

Nice to have another star nut around...and by nut I mean anyone crazy enough to invest in the sort of patience and funds to get anything out of DSO work!

I've only been playing with the post processing aspect for a few months...definitely on the nursery slopes compared with the subtle quality of your example image there! Since you are only in East Sussex, perhaps we should meet up and I can get some tips...I definitely lack some basic methods but I'm enjoying trying to get to grips with Photoshop, Maxim and PHD to name but a few tools!

I have managed to tread a fairly careful path of trying and rejecting...trying and keeping as far as equipment is concerned.

The dome is the best purchase without doubt....and the warm room is nearing the final stages to keep me snug during those winter nights you mention. The NEQ6 is a good stepping stone mount.....I won't tell you where I'm aiming but it will probably be a much larger step next time. I have tweaked the NEQ6 so that I'm happy with it now....

I have enjoyed a Orion Optic sold...and an ED100...again sold...both for what I paid for them secondhand...and they were enough to tell me I wanted to stick with refractors for now. I was lucky enough to get the APM/TMB 105mm for a song so that will stay around for a while...but plans are afoot to play with Hyperstar stuff and maybe the odd Italian RC! :deer

The rig is as I like it now....


...I just need to get to grips with the "art" of data processing!

The raw data you point out....not going to be that good this time of the year....getting a clear night is somewhat of a miracle. But I was keen to try out the ATIK...and get used to capturing data so that, come the day the skies cool a bit...I can get some quality data to process.

Thanks for your comments my friend...most helpful!

My word, you've really gone to town since you picked up that original celestron mount, so that's a skywatcher mount (looks like a HEQ6 syntrek), a william optics 71mm? no idea what the biggun is :) I take it you're running EQMod on the mount?

I haven't had the scopes out in anger for a couple of years now but once I've gotten back into the swing of things a bit it'd be great to meet up, although I don't have transport so I wouldn't want to impose.

btw. have you tried it's a very good uk astro site, some incredibly talented and helpful amateur astronomers and astrophotographers :)
Reggie":3m37wiz9 said:
My word, you've really gone to town since you picked up that original celestron mount, so that's a skywatcher mount (looks like a HEQ6 syntrek), a william optics 71mm? no idea what the biggun is :) I take it you're running EQMod on the mount?

I haven't had the scopes out in anger for a couple of years now but once I've gotten back into the swing of things a bit it'd be great to meet up, although I don't have transport so I wouldn't want to impose.

btw. have you tried it's a very good uk astro site, some incredibly talented and helpful amateur astronomers and astrophotographers :)

Hi Reggie

Yes...though I got my money back on the CG5...just. It wasn't man enough...and ever so slightly quirky...

I also felt that it was a bit flimsy around the motor cover area....don't know what they were doing there. Yes...the replacement is the NEQ6 PRO with SyncScan....and I don't bother running it through EQMOD...though I have done in the past. It was just too much faffing about when most of the time I was concentrating on one DSO so there wasn't much change in GOTO. Because it's on the pier...which is rock solid....I only polar aligned it once and it is spot on now. I might network it up later when the warm room's in though.


The William Optic is a Megrez you were only 1mm out! :mrgreen: Don't like it much. The focuser is really ropey but I have locked it down tight for now....I'm not sure if I am going to put a Feathertouch on it or a Moonlite or just ditch the whole thing and go for a TAK for widefield stuff. At the moment I have a homemade stepper motor focuser which I knocked up in the workshop...


That makes it a lot easier to get into accurate focus and stay there...though I have yet to try it out in anger! I'm still finishing it off.

The biggun is my APM/TMC LZOS 105mm LW which has Russian optics from the LZOS factory in St Petersberg. It's a little darling. I am using a TS Flattener on it too...which is a must really.

I am a member on SG...but frequent Astro Shed more...and PAIG....although I am not up to posting on the latter yet...need more practice!

PM me your number....we can have a chat.


Some time ago, I mentioned that I had a partially completed 6" glass mirror (around f10) and the corresponding tool. It's never going to be completed now, but that won't stop someone who knows how from doing so. Someone did express an interest I recall, so if anyone does feel they could have a go, it's here for bargaining. (Beer tokens?)
At the moment my wife is in hospital; having had a knee replaced, and she is not making good progress on physical recovery, to loss of upper body strength. As soon as she is discharged from the physio facility, and back on her pins, I will attend more to this matter. So anyone interested just let me know.

BB. Generally you are correct. But I am sure we have all seen the Moon in daylight, at certain times of the day. And Venus is quite often visible before darkness is complete, as is Mercury at dawn.

Sol - 1
Nature - 1? :D
Jimi, astro shed have the nice live chat feature which can be pretty useful. not sure what paig is, never been on it :) As for taking pics of the galaxy while the sun is around, it's just not going to happen, the moon and a couple of planets might be visible during daylight but that's entirely because of the sun :) trying to take long exposures of galaxies will just result in a white-out.
Benchwayze":2cmnekpm said:
BB. Generally you are correct. But I am sure we have all seen the Moon in daylight, at certain times of the day. And Venus is quite often visible before darkness is complete, as is Mercury at dawn.

Sol - 1
Nature - 1? :D

The question did rather explicitly mention galaxies :)

OH well perhaps our friend can upgrade to a radio telescope or something, I will have a word with my granddaughter in law at the weekend, she is an astro physistist, I think that is what she does. . :)
Great image Jim =D>
I bet the obsys like an oven this weather,how does the scope get on with cooling down in this weather,is it able to cool down enough??

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