those are some nice crisp shots Jimi, I didn't realise there were so many astronomers knocking around this place

I've got 3 scopes, 2 mounts (2 refractors and an SCT, an alt/az motorised mount and a HEQ5 synscan), 2 cameras and a guidecam. not been out for a while but I do intend to try and get out this autumn/winter.
The colours on the veil itself look nice but not so sure on the star colours, I've noticed that there is a marked difference between all of the images (dumbell, witches broom, veil) but you're definitely on the right tracks. You've definitely cracked the main issues, which are being able to track well enough to take long exposures, getting colour right is an artform in itself.
The summer is a bit of a grotty time for astronomy, it never gets properly dark, best used for practising your aim and getting your setup/teardown times quicker and staring at the moon.
Cygnus is fantastic at this time of year, so high and just chock full of nebula, my favourite is ngc7000 (north america nebula) and the pelican nebula, ... 2.jpg.html that's my attempt at it, it just fills the FOV in my 66mm william optics and there are just soooo many stars it makes the mind boggle