I had a trip to Wickes last night for a rain hopper and some piping, I haven't decided on the full extraction set up yet but I wanted to make a start.
I printed a couple of Martin's Bears and cut one with the extraction on and one with it off, giving everything a good clean in between. I should
have removed the hopper to see how much was on the floor with no extraction but as the hopper is so big, all the dust that falls under the table
ends up in the hopper with out extraction.
What I should have photographed but forgot, was underneath the saw before and after, but the difference was very noticeable and with the
extraction on, the underneath was almost spotless where there was a build up of dust on the table release bar and the Henger vacuum pipe.
This is the basic set up, the hose form the Numatic has been pushed inside the piping until I find a way of connecting and/or finished the
rest of the extraction. The Numatic hose is 51 mm, the piping is 68 mm.
From above and before the first bear was cut.
After the first bear was cut with out the extraction on.
And this is after the second bear was cut with the extraction on. I'm convinced there is a little less dust on the table, and I reckon with a smaller hopper or if the hopper was higher up, there would be less
again. But then with the hopper higher up it may interfere with blade changing.
These are some of the other parts I looked at for above table extraction, an ajustable offset and a telescopic offset. The pipes on the telescopic offset are too loose and I thought/hoped the adjustable offset
was more of a ball and joint type fitting looking at the image but it isn't. I was looking at these I'm hoping to rig up some form of extraction that sits between the saw and the pillar drill.
I think I'll end up buying the Bendi-Hoze from Axminster after all, probably two and have one coming up at the back of the drill.
AES asked about the noise when both saw and Numatic were on! The saw runs almost silently being bolted down, and the Numatic is a very quiet extractor. I think I've mentioned already
it's hard to say if you can hear the motor above the suction. With my set up using the rain hopper I can honestly say that the most noise comes from the suction, and placing your hand
above the rain hopper you can feel the air being sucked down. Perhaps a smaller hopper would more efficient and draw more dust towards it but there may be an increase in noise.
I'm only guessing as I'm certainly no scientist

I did brush some dust off the table by hand and it all ended up being sucked in!
I best add that whilst the saw was on, the dust blower on the saw was pointed so it blew dust towards the hopper. Didn't try any other way so can't say if there would have been a big difference.
Once I've bought some other bits I'll try it again with above table extraction on at the same time, see what the difference is!
Couple of things I forgot

I've found the blade changing a little fiddly, no doubt it'll be something I'll get use to, but I dropped the bottom clamp down the hopper four times, twice with a blade
attached so it was easier to get out. I'll pick up the grid they make to stop leaves getting in, may be that'll help!
And here's one of the bears cut from 12 mm Birch ply from the supplier Geoff mentioned on ebay