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I still can't believe that anybody could be bothered to put finger to keyboard in order to complain about too many dark faces in a fictional TV series.
Well, some could say they can’t believe that you could be bothered to put finger to keyboard to complain about the original posters complaint!
...... I do feel that white, beer swilling, heterosexual men are now disproportionately unrepresented. It would no doubt be an affront to the "woke" to assert they should be given greater equality in the media in future.
Ha ha - that category, which is yet another artificial differentiation exuding from a clot off historical daftness and mass media ordure-stirring, is in fact well "represented" all over the place, even here. Buy a hatepaper from the gutter press and you'll discover plenty more supposed "representations" of the class you mention. Of course, the "representations" rely on a large stereotyping of all sorts of in fact very different folk into such a class. Skin colour, gender and drinking preferences, though, are not really very good at exposing the significant and useful variations between human beliefs, behaviours, opportunities, et al.

Rather than insist on preserving some momentary status quo of the class systems within currently constructed cultural artefacts - always present in various perms of various differentiations imposed on humans by tribalists and other dafties - why not consider ignoring the generally spurious, redundant, unnecessary and useless class systems instead? There are other classification schemes, of human behaviours, beliefs, capabilities, potentials and so forth, rather than skin shade and gender, that are far more useful in navigating the heaving seas of modern life and its various sharks, oil slicks or shoals of nutritious fishies.
There have been numerous attempts to re write history in recent years.

There have indeed, and not just in the way (I think) you're suggesting. Consider what history is, who writes it, who propagates it and why. Living in the information environment we do, it's increasingly important to evaluate sources. I try and teach this to my kids - it's far more important than being able to find what you're looking for.
I see posts where people complain about skin colour quite frequently on the spurious grounds of believability or accuracy. But people never seem to complain that their enjoyment or the believability of the show is diminished by the presence of actors who have appeared in other shows. The OP could have written “WTF. Why is an Irish vampire suddenly a policeman in Jersey?!??! The script writers aren’t even addressing that he’s a vampire and there’s no explanation for his accent. Totally unbelievable.” But the OP doesn’t have a problem with that. The OP has been triggered to post by the skin colour of the actors. I’d encourage him to think deeply about why.
Do I need to? Well, OK. I suppose a gay, black Dr Who is a severe skew.
I'd disagree, but then a skew needs a baseline to be a skew, and I don't know what yours is.

Thing is: the Doctor is actually an alien, and we don't have access to the census data that would allow us to say what proportion of the Time Lord population is either gay or black. And that means we've left the 'losing credibility' argument behind, because we're no longer complaining on the basis of unrealistic representation, which earlier seemed to be the principal defence of this thread against accusations of racism.

For what it's worth, that's not an accusation I'm making.

How much any of this matters to any individual is fundamentally to do with what that individual's comfortable with. I grew up in a few different countries, I live in London, and I travel a lot; I meet and talk to lots of different people. Some of them are nice and some of them are pricks and as far as I've seen there's no racial or cultural correlation with being a prick, so I don't associate any negative feelings with other people's racial or cultural backgrounds. Like Doctor Who, my current next-door neighbour is both gay and black, and he's a real person, but his presence bothers me as much as the current Doctor Who does - i.e. not at all.

But I also appreciate that some people will watch telly programmes, or ads, and it'll jump out at them that many of the people and characters they see on screen aren't white, or straight, or whatever, and that will trouble them. There will be reasons for that, I don't know what they are for any given person and I'm not assuming, because I shouldn't. But those reasons are probably worthy of examination.

Also: invoking the 'measure twice, cut once' principle that all us woodworkers ought to agree with, the notion posted by somebody else on this thread that white heterosexuals are currently underrepresented, and don't enjoy 'equality,' in the media, is wrong and almost certainly the result of confirmation bias.
It's a slang variation on "What??", nothing to do with Twitter (or X, as it's now known)
Glad to be of help, no need to thank me 😇