I am making a replica early country style cupboard where the original was nailed. Whilst I will hide some stronger joint in there I also need to put in some authentic nails in to complete the look, it is a requirement of the project.
I'm well aware that oak can attack certain metals, but, after some research I'm a little confused as to which metals are suitable.
For example, Rutlands have some nails
http://www.rutlands.co.uk/cabinet-hardw ... ture-nails
but I'm not clear if they are suitable for Oak, and what these are made from.
I've considered copper, but am not sure if they are authentic but they may do.
Any suggestions about materials, and for a good supplier?
I'm well aware that oak can attack certain metals, but, after some research I'm a little confused as to which metals are suitable.
For example, Rutlands have some nails
http://www.rutlands.co.uk/cabinet-hardw ... ture-nails
but I'm not clear if they are suitable for Oak, and what these are made from.
I've considered copper, but am not sure if they are authentic but they may do.
Any suggestions about materials, and for a good supplier?