My most horrible food mistake so far...

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12 Jun 2022
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Well, my first one, as a teenager, was thinking putting marmite in coffee might be nice... Nope!
My second one, recently, was accidentally making tea with the descaling water from the kettle, full of citric acid and dissolved limescale. Truly horrible.

This evening, I found something worse than these. Worse even, than if these things in some nightmare scenario, were combined!


Rancid ramen. (You know ramen, those instant noodles that come with a packet of mysterious but nonetheless delicious powder)

Apparently my nose doesn't detect "rancid" and only registers it as "a bit stale". Not that I checked in the first place - why would I? So the noodles were only a year past their best before date as I found after the event. Not something that would normally bother me.

So I'm munching away, thinking, these really do seem rather on the stale side. I must have eaten half the bowl before I decided that actually they had a horrible chemical taste and seemed to be burning my tongue slightly and I could not bring myself to eat any more. So the remainder went in the bin. I like a fried egg with my noodles. Even the egg had become inedible!

Well I've eaten crisps, prunes, Gorgonzola, various biscuits, drunk strong coffee, eaten more biscuits, shortbread, and it must be 4 or 5 hours after the event and I can still taste it! Even worse, I keep getting er, "reminders" every so often. And I know I'm not going to sleep well after that coffee...

So take it from me, don't ever eat rancid ramen! You will regret it, I promise. Even more than your other bad food mistakes.
Horrible Food Mistakes

Both are many years ago and perpetrated by my late father. Both occurred when my late mother was in hospital for a long period. The mistakes were:-

1 - My father thought it would be nice to bake a cake to take in to her. We had an old (even then, in the1950's) gas cooker. He cooked the cake for the stated number of minutes and, being of a non-practical bent, simply turned it upside down onto the cooling tray. It had a crust but the still uncooked molten centre made it's presence known and the whole thing disappeared through the cooling grid. It made a lovely pattern!

2 - As it was summer, we sook Strawberries and Cream in to the hospital. Cream in a vacuum flask, sugar in a glass jar. It was only when my mother dipped the first berry into the cream then the sugar that the truth dawned - Dad had put salt in instead of caster sugar!

Strangely enough, the same thing happened at a pre-Christmas lunch at a well respected restaurant in Cheltenham. Out came the Xmas Puds, already covered with brandy sauce. I was one of the first to tuck in!! Very salty brandy sauce is not ever going to catch on. I can still taste it in my imagination!!

I've done survival training with the military.
After a week with very little food, permanently cold, soaked to the skin and being chased by a trained "hunter force", at night, and knowing how empty the energy tanks are, I'm pretty sure I'd eat rancid ramen and thank you for it afterwards!
I love meat of many types and I’ll try anything- my latest was ostrich ( very nice ) but I don’t do offal- force fed liver as a child( cooked for hours ) nasty 🤮 kidney , heart , brain, liver etc are not for me ,, and not wanting to offend any vegan members but does anyone know why given their resentment of meat eaters like myself and rearing animals for food - why do all of their foods contain words like vegan - bacon, vegan sausage rolls, vegan chicken , etc just wandering…
My wife loves liver. Years ago when we were first married I told her mum I'd better be off, I was cooking tea. Oh, what are you cooking? Liver. Barb won't eat liver. Yes, she will, I said. She couldn't resist nicking food off my plate, and I'd cook liver for myself and something else for her. After doing it a few times she decided she quite liked liver. Her mother used to braise it and it was slimy, I sliced it thinly and fried it in a minute or so.
Nasty disgusting looking mess - was fed tripe as a child had nightmares when told it was sheep’s lungs ( I think)
Lungs are 'lights', tripe is stomach lining (various sorts available from many-stomached ruminants).

(Apropos of nothing other than woodwork for my new follower fan a no. 4.5 plane used to be my fave but nowadays that size but low angle).
Not been there as such, but did try Andouillette once and only once in Paris. Never again. It literally tastes far too much like **** to be pleasurable in any way and repeated on me for most of the next day. Really not sure how people come to love it so much.
Lungs are 'lights', tripe is stomach lining (various sorts available from many-stomached ruminants).

(Apropos of nothing other than woodwork for my new follower fan a no. 4.5 plane used to be my fave but nowadays that size but low angle).
Lights -I recall my mom boiling these up for a dog we had - the look and the smell was nothing short of horrendous 🤢🤢🤢
Meatballs as cooked at my village school - I didn't like the crunchy bit in the middle. Found out years later from my Mums friend who was a teacher there Mrs Heggety the cook made a large batch that she froze they were re-heated as needed by poring Bisto gravy over them. All the staff brought sandwiches .

From my 5 year old memory Mrs Heggety was about 150 and is probably still alive and poisoning I'm convinced she's a vampire

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