My mate Billy

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Lordy, I've just read this thread and I couldn't even see the last post.. we've got cats and every time we lose one it's heart breaking. I would love a sheepdog mind you
I had three cats and took them from UK to Spain, then Gib, then back to the UK. Whilst I was away on holiday one of them left the house and never returned. I still wonder what happened, but also hold some hope that he just adopted some new owners. The other two are still going strong.

Owning pets almost inevitably involves heartbreak but on the plus side it does produce lots of good memories, and of course the comfort that you treated an animal well for its years.
Here's the latest member of my extended family, he's now 11 weeks old and a real character, seems very intelligent and going to be a big fella, my granddaughter loves him even if a little wary of those needle sharp teeth. :LOL:
I shall miss Moose this Xmas, but I still miss the old lady. A boxer is possibly on the horizon in the new year ...
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Do it, have you considered getting one from a boxer rescue center? I've got a 2 and a bit year old boxer called Bruce, had him from a puppy not from a rescue center though. He's my best mate and never fails to make me happy. He even comes to work with me.
I rescued this little madam after she was lambed in the middle of 2018's The Beast From The East. I found her covered in snow and rattling her last so I stuck her under my coat, drove home, gave her a glucose jab and stuck her in in a cat pen on top of the boiler. 20 minutes later she was screaming for food!

I had to hand feed her until she was old enough to join the others so she's now a pet lamb (actually more like a pet dog as she follows me everywhere when I'm out in the field). My wife made me keep her and name her and so she's called KC and comes to her name. She's very affectionate, gets into everything but makes me smile everyday. I've bred a lot of lambs in my time and never felt this way about any of them. Animals eh?

I think she’s an extremely fortunate little lamb to have found you Mike. Well done, and I think you will be repaid in spades with the delight and happiness she gives you. Ian . Very touching.
I rescued this little madam after she was lambed in the middle of 2018's The Beast From The East. I found her covered in snow and rattling her last so I stuck her under my coat, drove home, gave her a glucose jab and stuck her in in a cat pen on top of the boiler. 20 minutes later she was screaming for food!
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I had to hand feed her until she was old enough to join the others so she's now a pet lamb (actually more like a pet dog as she follows me everywhere when I'm out in the field). My wife made me keep her and name her and so she's called KC and comes to her name. She's very affectionate, gets into everything but makes me smile everyday. I've bred a lot of lambs in my time and never felt this way about any of them. Animals eh?

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I like your wood-paneled link box. Very smart. Is there a WIP?
I love seeing roughtie toughtie men sharing their pet photos ! We're all soft as s*** really! We're getting a little tabby tiger in a month, as all the g-pigs have died now. Loved the pigs, esp the old boy that was like a little lapdog right until he died at 7 and a half.
I'd love a dog! Unfortunately I am not mobile enough to walk one properly. I could train one well enough not to need a lead, but the law doesn't understand that. So maybe a cat that's independent.

We'll see!

John .
I like your wood-paneled link box. Very smart. Is there a WIP?
I made it from 3 x 2 treated timber clad with 1"gravel board. It slots onto a set of rear mounted pallet forks and works very well. You can't see it on this pic but to the left is a chainsaw holder and slots for oil and fuel.
Poor old "Watson" looks absolutely knackered. How far did you take him?

And "LuLu" looks like a real honey Phil.

Nice, both of 'em. I envy you both
Poor old "Watson" looks absolutely knackered.

Don't let him fool you, the moment I close the kitchen door he'll be up either chewing stuff or harranging the older dog, or on then counter looking for food. I've had all sorts of setters but never an English before, absolutely adorable but zero manners.
Nice pup Phill. Shouldn't be too demanding exercise wise, unlike Eric.

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He'll be nine in five weeks but is still like a puppy in many respects. He's still very excitable, and rather full on when he meets someone he knows, and the one thing that we've not been totally successful with is stopping him chasing, but given the breed, GWP, it's not easy. Otherwise he's no problem. Oh, they're rather vocal.

Bob, doesn't your other dog put him in his place. Eric is very tolerant of pups, almost too tolerant, but when they get older he'll put them in their place in no uncertain terms. We met his nephew one day whilst out on his walk I suppose his nephew was about fifteen months old at the time. He would not stop trying to dominate Eric who is not a dominant dog, unlike his sister, but I could see that he was not going to tolerate that, so I just moved him away as his nephews owner couldn't really hold him and I feared that there might be an almighty fight.



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