My BITS and BOBS (to be continued)

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What a cracking collection.

The whole set just looks fantastic. It's the colours for me that make it.


Ok when you two have finished preening yourselves,

As Paul said:
That is absolutely gorgeous.The whole lot.
Love the colours of the fruit and the bowl is lovely.

Must have a dig further into the scrap box, it's all been light pulls and the like the last day or so, so something a little more artistic would be nice.
Really must have a go at fruit again, last couple of attempts have looked like something Picasso would have been proud of but not like fruit as we know it

Was messing in the garage this afternoon. Here's another idea for small branch wood instead of just making mushrooms all the time.

Laburnum 2" dia x 3" high. I still make plain mushrooms, but these are very popular.
Back to the lathe properly, at last.

Commission - design & manufacture a 'case to contain a priest' to be given as a annual prize within a shooting club.

Not being part of the shooting fraternity the 'priest' was described to me, the case left to my imagination. (Or lack of, as the case may be :? ) Apparently if it was used for real it would be used to render a quick death to any birds still alive when picked up.

Getting too close to xmas for my liking to spend too much time on it, so I decided that a straight cylinder would be fine if I used the right woods. You can decide.

Used French Walnut for the case, with Purpleheart for base and top. Wanted a screw lid and the Purpleheart crumbled when using a 16tpi chaser. SO I ended up using a spigot and collar of boxwood fitted into the tube top and inside the lid. Worked well even if I do say so myself.

The Priest was made from Leadwood purely for the weight, and to save me having to weight it with something. Finished with Acrylic lacquer, buffed them waxed. Glued a piece of sponge into the bottom of the tube, the top has a small hollow turned in the centre inside, so that once the priest is placed inside and the lid is tightened the priest can't rattle around.

JOB DID! Quite pleased really as it was a bit of a rush job.

Size - Tube 280mm tall, 60mm dia. Priest 250mm long, 33mm dia.
Yet another cracking piece of work Tam :D Very nice indeedy.
How did you hollow the case out,was it drilled :?:
And,how come your pieces ooze quality,and mine just look bland.
Does this come with experience :?:
Also like the little mushroom boxes that i appear to have missed :roll:
Thanks Chas, and yourself Paul.

Welded up a extension for a fostner bit and pushed it through. My finishing? Just the same as the rest of y'all, but possibly I spend more time with the sandpaper before I go anywhere else. I'm not perfect by any means, but if I can help it I won't move on until am really happy with the surface between each grit. I never re-use sandpaper and often use 1000grit wet&dry between coats of oil/polish. No secret really, but if I was honest I believe it does get easier with practice, and stick with the same finishes until you really know how to use them.
TEP":imkokn4x said:
.....stick with the same finishes until you really know how to use them.

Very sound advice, like riding a bike once you are comfortable with any particular method that suits your way of working it is surprising how you automatically choose one treatment over another as a piece evolves, just seems right at the time.
For Chas, after seeing his massage pieces in his post, good bead work by the way.

Should have mentioned about the beads along the handle of the priest. I cheated and used a fluted parting tool to set the beads. It beats measuring anything. Do the first at the small end then drop the trailing edge into each as you go along. Then I just tidied them up with the corner of a straight parting tool. Didn't measure a thing. :oops:

You don't 'alf do 'em quick that way. :lol:
Lovely work Tam. I'd love to be able to create work of that standard.

I do a bit of fly fishing. We them 'persuasion sticks' because they persuade the fish to die. A little gruesome I know!
TEP":9c3b1x5q said:
For Chas, after seeing his massage pieces in his post, ........ I cheated and used a fluted parting tool to set the beads. It beats measuring anything. .......You don't 'alf do 'em quick that way. :lol:

Funny you should say that, :lol: as it looks like there is going to be a fair few of these to knock out in the near future as soon as I can get the wood seasoned guess what I made yesterday:


10mm dia bead profile so a bit big for your method Tam.
Very nice,Tam :D - like the box collars as a solution for the threaded bits;much as I like purpleheart,never found it to be good at holding any sort of detail.
Finished piece does look excellent,but I'm glad you explained what it was,as otherwise I would have been sat wondering what it had to do with a member of the clergy.. :lol:

Lovely things Tam....
inspirational !

I'm going to scoot out of the office early and go ruin some more nice blanks of wood, cause you've put me in the mood to play !

Your 'little fruit' is awesome...

Never cease to be totally amazed by what you guys here can turn out , its very encouraging for a beginner to see what he or she can aspire to.

Really nice :) :) :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Was messing at the club Tues. PM and turned a couple of boxes,

Decided I needed a bit of practise after being away from my lathe for a bit. STILL having trouble finding the time to spin a few pieces of wood.

Left - is Acacia with Leadwood foot, the ring around the lid opening, and finial.
Right - is Laburnum with Leadwood finial. Box turned off centre.

Must get some practise in on my photography, the photo's look really dull. :oops:
Paul.J":drieppbi said:
Just messing :shock: What's it like when you are serious.
Beautiful pieces Tam :D

Seconded, makes you want to crawl back in in the hole in shame sometimes.

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