well it arrived as promised on Friday, around lunchtime, so I had all afternoon to set up.
Took it out of box to identify parts... ...degreased it a bit, yuk, grease everywhere!
Spent a while setting it up then tested it with a scrap peice of pine... spot on! not a problem at all. Cut a nice square hole with little effort.
So now it was onto my 4" thick bench legs which needed morticing all the way through :shock: , how would it cope with such a heavy task...
...well apart from the bit clogging up every 2 or 3 cuts it wasn't too bad. I didn't go the clamping down route as I needed to move the timber across and I have a strong grip. Found as I got 2 or 3 inches deep the bit kept sticking on the way out which resulted in me having to be a bit brutal, guess this is a good reason to clamp.
So all in all, it took a while and the clogging up of the bit resulted in me turning the machine off and manually turning the chuck in the opposite direction to free the stuck shavings. I am happy with it. It's first job is probably as heavy as it'll get for the morticer, I've just started my work bench build so I've morticed all 4 bench legs.
ps: I am taking pictures of my workbench build and when it's done I will post a build thread. It'll be an interestin build as it will be built from reclaimed timber and it'll be fairly rustic, by choice :wink: