Moisture resistant MDF

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Established Member
10 Jul 2006
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I think this may have been asked before but I can't seem to find it.

I'm looking at producing some kind of bathroom freestanding cabinet. MDF, probably circa 18mm would seem to be the way to go. I'm planning on finishing in white gloss so that should seal it, but I suspect I ought to be considering moisture resitant of some kind. Any suggestions on approach and or source?
Hey, make sure you go for the all green stuff, not the allsorts kind that is a sandwich of green core and lift outer.

There are loads of threads under finishing section of the forum on this.

Key thing is when you come to paint it are:

- Plane and sand the edges
- Seal the edges with PVA diluted 5 to 1, and a few coats
- Use an MDF primer, international from B&Q should do the trick
- Key this using 320 400 grit between 2 coats
- Undercoat
- Gloss, pref sprayed, or use a cutting compound

Good luck.
Hi Olly,

Here is a recent thread on moisture resistant MDF. It seems Wickes stock it.

You may want to ask Mailee about finishing it. You can see his results with white gloss in this thread. Far superior than anything I could manage.

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